How to Do Workout Bench Press – Before & After Training
Workout Bench Press – a basic exercise for the pumping and growth of the chest and arms. This is an indispensable element of any power and mass program. It is in this exercise that the athlete works with really large weights, as in the squat, deadlift.

Why Bench press is a Basic Exercise
A basic exercise is one that affects almost all the muscle groups in our body. For example, squats with a barbell load not only the legs but also the back, shoulders, and a little arm.
Tips, Muscles Work in the Bench Press
- Large and small pectoral;
- The chest gets the maximum load in this exercise;
- Front bundles of deltoids;
- Triceps
During the workout bench press, the athlete pushes the weight up. At the same time, the chest is contracting, the abdominal muscles are tensed, the legs are trying to push the floor, and the buttocks are pressed against the bench, not allowing the pelvis to come off. In addition, the shoulder blades come together, connecting the muscles of the back.
The bench press involves almost the entire body. And this is due to the fact that the press weights are quite large – this is the athlete’s body weight and higher.
Is it true that without a bench press you can’t gain mass? Muscle growth is the result of enhanced protein synthesis due to increased testosterone production in response to constantly increasing physical activity. Only heavy basic exercises can trigger this process.
If you do not do exercises with large weights (base exercises), there can be no question of any growth. We are talking about a natural way to build muscle without using exogenous testosterone.
Every time we lift weights in a basic exercise, our muscles work to the limit of their abilities. This stimulates their growth and strengthening. The body is given a peculiar signal that the available hormonal reserves are not enough for such hard work. As a result, more testosterone is produced – the main reason for the growth of strength and mass. Thus, the bench press, as one of the basic exercises, directly affects these processes.
What is Dangerous Exercise Chest Press
You should know that the bench press can be a very traumatic exercise. This is due to large weights.
Especially dangerous situations are when an athlete tries to gain new muscle mass without using the help of a partner in lifting the bar from the racks and bringing it to its original position. For experienced athletes, this is not critical. But beginners often expose their muscles to serious risk.
To avoid shoulder stretching or rupture of the pectoral muscle, remember a few simple rules:
- Warm-up your muscles and joints well before doing the bench press.
- Before the bench press, do 15–20 intense reps with an empty bar (20 kg).
- Go to working weight gradually. If your working weight, for example, is 100 kg, first hang 50 kg, then 80 kg. Make at least 5–6 reps with each intermediate weight. Ideally, 10.
Also, do not work to failure more than twice a week. It all depends on the speed of recovery of your muscles. One hard workout of 7 days is enough for someone. All individually.
Bench Press Technique, Benefits
So, let’s figure out how to do a workout bench.
| You can also see other variations training: How to Do Chest Exercises
The Classic Workout Bench Press, it is lying on a horizontal bench is as follows:
- We start by warming up. Lie on a bench so that the barbell is above your eyes.
- Spread your legs a little apart, push the heels down on the floor.
- Bend in the lower back, but do not get into the position of the bridge. Flatten your shoulder blades (straighten your shoulders). Grasp the barbell so that the index finger (ring or middle, as you prefer) to be end dash on the barbell.
- On the exhale, raise the bar, bringing it into such a position that it is just above the bottom of the chest. This is the top position of the barbell in the bench press.
- Lower the bar on your chest as you inhale.
- Be sure to touch the chest, after which, on the exhale, again return the bar to the highest point.
- Do 15–20 reps in this warm-up set. Then smoothly proceed to the working scale.
The bench press is recommended to be performed in 6-8 repetitions of 3-4 approaches once a week. Or alternate light and hard workouts, doing a bench press twice a week in total.