The 9 Best at Home Abs – No Equipment

How to Get Six Pack Abs at Home no Equipment
We understood: you want to see the lower abdominal muscles. But you have lost sight of the fact that the rectus abdominal muscle, or abdominal wall, is connected to all abdominal and pelvic muscles. However, women are still looking for exercises that will help them get rid of their terrible creases in the lower abdomen. (We caught your attention?) Now your quest is over! Most of these effective exercises are aimed at different abdominal muscles, so you will increase fat burning with each repetition.
How to perform this workout?
Perform the specified number of sets and repetitions of each exercise consistently, resting 45-60 seconds between sets.
Perform the entire complex 3-4 times a week with one-day breaks.
You can also choose your favorite exercises and do them after cardio training or add them to your regular set of strength exercises.
Cycle: Perform one approach to each exercise from the complex, without interruption. After completing the exercises, repeat the cycle again – by completing one approach of each exercise without interruption. Continue until the total specified number of approaches has been completed.
Strength: Perform all exercises at a time, intermittently. Then move on to the next exercise.
Superset: Two exercises are performed sequentially (as a cycle) without a break.
Ab Workouts at Home no Equipment
1) Abs Sit Ups
Muscle used: Upper & Lower Abs;
How to Do:
- Lie on back with knees bent.
- Cross arms at chest level, hands-on opposite shoulders.
- Curl body up, touching elbows to thighs.
- Slowly return to starting position.
Tips: Keep head and back aligned during movement.
Perform 4-5 Sets: 15-20 Reps on Each Side.
2) Lying leg raise and pulse-up
How to Do:
- Begin with legs extended and hands under buttocks.
- Lift both legs simultaneously until they point straight up.
- Return to starting position.
Tips: Do not rock or use momentum to swing legs up.
3) Weighted Crunch
Muscle used: Upper & Middle Abs;
How to Do:
- Lie on back with knees bent.
- Cross arms at chest level with a weight plate, hands-on opposite yourself.
- Curl body up, touching elbows to thighs.
- Slowly return to starting position.
Tips: Keep head and back aligned during movement.
Perform 4-5 Sets: 15-20 Reps.
4) Flutter Kicks Crossover
Muscle used: Lower Abs;
How to Do:
- Lie on your back with your legs straight.
- Stretch your arms along your body and pad the floor for balance.
- Raise your legs one by one without bending at the knees.
- Perform the required number of repetitions
Tips: Keep your head and back straight while driving.
Perform 4-5 Sets: 15-20 Reps on Each Side.
5) Bicycle Crunches
Muscle used: Oblique muscles;
How to Do:
- Lie on back with knees and calves parallel to the floor.
- Cup ears loosely with hands.
- Move legs in bicycle motion (elbows to opposite knees).
- Keep heels four inches off the floor.
- Every knee touch equals one repetition.
Tips: Do not fully clasp hands behind your head or pull the neck up.
Perform 4-5 Sets: 15-25 Reps.
6) Standing Side Crunch
How to Do:
Muscle used: Oblique muscles, Lower Abs;
- Stand with feet apart and hands at eye level.
- Touch elbow to opposite knee.
- Alternate sides on each repetition.
- Select reps based on fitness level.
Perform 4-5 Sets: 15-25 Reps.
| See more about Standing Dumbbell Oblique Crunch
7) Standing Torso Twist
Muscle used: Oblique muscles;
How to Do:
- Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
- Hold dumbbells in front of chest with two hands.
- Rotate upper torso right and then across the body to the left.
- Pause briefly at starting position between rotations.
- Every other rotation equals one repetition.
Perform 4-5 Sets: 20-25 Reps.
8) Chase the Rabbits
Muscle used: Lower Abs
How to Do:
- Begin in a standard push-up position.
- Rapidly alternate knees to chest (upper body remains still).
- Legs should move as if running in place.
- Every other knee to chest equals one repetition.
Tips: Keep head aligned with back and look straight ahead.
| Read also 10 min Abs Workout
9) Seated Straddle
Muscle used: Upper, Lower Abs (Stretching)
How to Do:
- Sit on a chair with feet apart, hands-on tight.
- Slowly lower hands to ankles until a stretch is felt
- Hold for suggested time and reps
Tips: Press back up to starting position slowly