Home Gym Workouts 🍑10 Min. FULL BODY WORKOUT | Video & Guide

🍑10 Min. FULL BODY WORKOUT | Video & Guide



🚨 This 10-minute FULL BODY routine will tone your muscles for a slim figure! Dumbbells will activate our arms, back, and shoulders while we do the ultimate workout: thighs, calves, booty, abs, and more! Subscribe! – Your 30 Day Get Fit Plan!

✅ Want more tips about how to stay on track, what to eat after you work out, and how to get the best results?! 👇



  • 10 reps, 20 seconds rest



One of the best moves for a lean, strong and sculpted upper-body is a bench press. By using dumbbells instead of a barbell, however, you add a stability challenge to the exercise for more strength and stability. It also keeps your arms at equal strength.

The move: Lie on a bench with your chest up, shoulders squeezed together and feet flat on the ground. Drive the dumbbells upward, keeping your shoulders back. Drive through your heels, as well, keeping your glutes on the bench.


  • 10 reps, 20 seconds rest

Two moves are better than one: By combining the squat with an overhead press, you’ll get the ultimate total-body move. You’ll target everything from your feet to your fingertips so you can burn more calories, build more strength and get lean faster.

The move: Hold two dumbbells by your shoulders. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes slightly out. Start the movement by sitting backward and spreading your knees apart. Descend below parallel while keeping your lower back flat. At the bottom, drive through your heels and keep your knees apart. Drive up and push overhead at the same time.


🔥 28-Day Flat Belly Challenge

What to Do: Complete the 6 moves designated for each day. Perform each exercise for 40 seconds, then rest for 20. Complete all moves and repeat for a total of 4 rounds.

In order to avoid injury, it’s important to perform the moves with correct form,. Focus on landing softly on your joints and not straining yourself to the point of pain. Below, you will find videos on how to correctly perform each move in this challenge.

🔥 WEEK 1 and 2:


Sunday – Burpees, Alternating Reverse Lunges, Jump Squats, Walking Lunges
Monday – Ab Bikes, Toe Touches, Leg Lifts, Hip Dips
Tuesday – Mountain Climbers, Squat to Shoulder Press, Push-Ups, Walking Lunges
Wednesday – Ab Bikes, Toe Touches, Leg Lifts, Hip Dips
Thursday – Burpees, Alternating Reverse Lunges, Jump Squats, Walking Lunges
Friday – Russian Twist, Toe Touches, Leg Lifts, Hip Dips
Saturday (Optional) – Mountain Climbers, Squat to Shoulder Press, Push-Ups, Walking Lunges

Sunday – Burpees, Speed Skaters, Tuck Jumps, Walking Lunges with dumbbells
Monday – Russian Twist, Jackknife Crunch, Sit Ups, Reverse Crunch
Tuesday – Mountain Climbers, Speed Skaters, Push-Ups, Tuck Jumps
Wednesday – Russian Twist, Straight Leg Jackknife Crunch, Reverse Crunch, Hip Dips
Thursday– Burpees, Squat to Shoulder Press, Push-Ups, Walking Lunges with dumbbells
Friday – Russian Twist, Straight Leg Jackknife Crunch, Sit Ups, Reverse Crunch
Saturday (Optional) – Mountain Climbers, Squat to Shoulder Press, Push-Ups, Walking Lunges


How it works: Up to four days per week, perform these moves individually or as a circuit (do each exercise back to back with little to no rest in between up to 3 times in a row) after a cardio session or within your existing lower-body workout.

Total Time: up to 30 minutes


You will need: Mat

✅ Standing Rainbow

A) standing-rainbow


B) standing-rainbow
  • Stand on right leg, left leg extended out to the side slightly in front of body (aim to the front corner of the room), foot flexed, with hands behind head.
  • Open leg out to the side and in line with hip, lifting leg slightly higher as it opens. Bring leg behind body (aiming to the back corner of the room) without letting foot touch the floor, then lift and open side to return to the starting position. (Imagine tracing a rainbow shape with heel.) Do all reps on the right, and then repeat on opposite side to complete the set.
  • Sets: 3 
  • Reps: 25
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