Home Before and After Weight loss: Photo, Before and After – My Real Story

Weight loss: Photo, Before and After – My Real Story


Weight loss: Before and After, My a little Real Story.

This is my short story about how I weight loss with my photo, before and after and hello it’s me again. I’ve been feeling pretty down about the rp cut that I’m doing right now so I decided to take some pictures!



Weight loss: Photo Before and After

The “Before and After” pictures are from today and while I am not done with my cut yet it was fun to compare them to pictures I took around this time last year!

Rp aside, just doing CrossFit for almost a year has made huge changes to my body! I really love how much control we can have over our bodies if we choose.

I decided a while ago I wanted to improve my squats and I have! I also spent some time working hard to be able to get a strict pull-up, now I can do almost 6!

If your weight gain, you can achieve whatever weight loss you set your mind to, you just have to be willing to work for it. I still have so many goals I hope to achieve.

I’m hoping to tone my stomach more with different workout, ab crunch and any six pack. These pictures show that there have been some changes.

If you are in any sort of healthy training process make sure you take pictures! They really do make all the difference!

Next goal: see abs

Read more: How to Six Pack Abs Training

Weight loss Training Programs

I now use such a diet and nutrition is 70% success in losing weight. Therefore, when compiling the program, the trainer told me that certain rules must be observed:

  • A balanced and varied menu;
  • Fractional nutrition – the number of meals – 4-5 times a day at regular intervals;
  • The basis of the diet is vegetables;
  • Moderate fruit consumption – 1-2 pcs. per day instead of sweets;
  • Compliance with the drinking regime;
  • All harmful products are excluded from the diet: sugar, confectionery, sugary drinks, fast-food, chips and savory crackers with flavorings. The consumption of salt and flour products (loaves, white bread) is limited.

Training schedule for Weight loss


Training plan for weight loss in the gym should include:

  1. A set of exercises to work out the necessary muscle groups;
  2. Frequency of classes;
  3. Intensity;
  4. Duration;
  5. Number of approaches and repetitions drawn up by the trainer, break time;
  6. Exercises are selected depending on gender, level of training and health status. You need to do it regularly, but not every day. Recommended mode – 3-5 times a week.
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