Home Video exercises How to Do a Biceps Cable Curl: Techniques, Benefits

How to Do a Biceps Cable Curl: Techniques, Benefits


Biceps Cable Curl: Techniques, Benefits – Different Handlebar

Raise Cable to the biceps curl – is the main exercise for developing the strength and volume of the hand flexors. On the effectiveness in terms of working hands, it can be compared to bench press for pectoral muscles.

Biceps Cable Curl: Techniques


About the volume of the biceps.

Agree, the pumping up biceps looks much better than its absence. The shape and size of the biceps muscle are determined by many factors: genetics, physical activity, additional power loads.

With the help of training, we can remove fat from the surface of the hand, thereby bare the muscle itself. Also we can increase its volume due to correctly executed exercises and create greater relief. Based on its name, flexors of the arms provide movements aimed at bending the arm at the elbow. Another function of biceps muscles is the antagonism of the triceps. Triceps and biceps with each other are in some kind of balance.

In the formation of the volume of the arm, the bicep does not play a primary role. For the most part this is due to the triceps (70% of the volume of the hand is created by him). Therefore, you should pay enough attention to both of these muscles. Swing the biceps 1-2 times a week, and in no case forget do the triceps exerises.

Technique and exercise options

Cable Biceps Curl- is usually performed standing. And then it’s not even about efficiency. The fact is that lifting the Cable block bar to the biceps sitting posotion with a narrow or any other grip is not a very convenient solution. And preferably it is only for work on Scott’s bench.


Direct grip.

The exercise on the biceps with the Cable Bar can be performed in several types of grip: forward and reverse grip, wide and narrow grip. Direct grasp is aimed at the development of not only the biceps, but also the muscles of the forearm (a narrow grip is not used at the same time). If you’ve ever tried such a grip, remember for sure that the weights on the cable simulator must be bigger maller than when using a reverse grip.

The bending of the arms with the bar standing correctly is done like this:

  • It is very important to take the right posture: legs are shoulder-width apart, elbows are pressed to the body, shoulders are straightened, and the pelvis is laid back. For better support and avoiding unnecessary movements.
  • We do 10-15 warm-up repeats.
  • If you are a beginner – do not look at others, do not envy the number of disk on their simulator. Time and patience will lead you to a similar result.
Problems of grip
  • When the biceps have enough strength to work with your chosen weight, and the wrist does not have – problems begin.
  • The wrists can not hold a straight line between the elbow and the fist. The hand starts to bend, and the bar is hanging. Lifting bar simulator to the biceps with a back grip solves this problem, but with a straight grip, everything is more complicated.
  • If this happens – refuse a direct grip, try bending the arms with the ez-bar while standing with a back grip. In addition, practice exercises that develop exactly the strength of the grip.

Proper Breathing when biceps curl 


Curl on biceps, and weight lifting is almost always done with the same breath – the effort (up) to exhale, to the breath – the return of weight to the starting point.

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