Home Gym Workouts Arms Exercises How to Cable Triceps Workout | Guide & Tips

How to Cable Triceps Workout | Guide & Tips

Cable Triceps Workout
Cable Triceps Workout

Extending your arms on the block is truly a royal triceps exercise on the simulator. Let it be isolated, which means that it is inferior in the mass gain to the bench press with a narrow grip and the constellation of French bench presses, but it is difficult to pump the triceps muscle without his help. Why? But because it is just triceps extensions that give it the right look. Thanks to them, a powerful, embossed triceps of the correct horseshoe shape appears in the place of the shapeless ham.

When it comes to triceps weight gain, basic multi-joint exercises are unrivaled. But these exercises are called so because during their execution, in addition to the target muscle, others will certainly be included in the work. The load of triceps will certainly go, but its main mass will go to other, larger muscles. But if you download triceps on the simulator, (with the right technique), this does not happen, therefore, the amount of work he gets is greater.

What is the benefit of triceps extension arms in a crossover?

In addition to the fact that the extension in the crossover allows you to pump triceps muscles in isolation, this exercise has five more serious advantages:

  • Minimum, compared with basic exercises, loads on the elbow joints;
  • It has a huge number of options;
  • Perfectly warms up triceps at the beginning of class;
  • It gives the muscles of the hands the correct shape, which makes them visually larger;
  • Add allows peak triceps.

The technique of performing extensions on a block standing (How to:)

The technique of doing triceps extension of the arms is simple and straightforward, since the exercise is isolated, and only one joint has to be unbent – the elbow. Step by step it looks like this:

Step 1. We take the handle of the block with a grip on top, a width of 20-25 cm. The thumb lies on top (the so-called “monkey grip”). The elbows are pressed to the body. We make a small deflection in the lower back, we lean slightly in front, we look directly. For balance, we put forward one leg. With the body weight leaning slightly on the handle to relieve the load from the back muscles. This is the starting position.

Step 2. Take a breath, tighten the triceps muscles. Powerfully and at the same time, we control arms at elbows in an uncontrollable way, preventing them from moving apart. Having reached the bottom point, we make a delay of one or two, additionally strain the triceps and slowly return the handle to its original position.

Note: among the muscles involved in the work, the back are the strongest. As soon as it becomes difficult to work with triceps, they are immediately included in the work. Therefore, the return on extension of the arms on the block largely depends on the ability to make them exclusively by the strength of the hands, not allowing the back muscles to “pick up” the load.

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