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Cryochamber for weight loss


Cryochamber – Recovery, and Rejuvenation of the Cold

The benefits of cold for the body have been known since ancient times – people wiped with snow, ice, swim in the river in winter, thus continuing youth and beauty. Modern cryochamber therapy has become a worthy alternative to traditional methods of recovery and rejuvenation.

In this article, we will tell you what a cryochamber is, what are its benefits and what rules should be followed during the procedure.

Table of content
  1. What is it?
  2. Сryochamber Benefits
  3. Indications for use
  4. What is the effect of cryochamber?
  5. Procedure
  6. How often can you visit the cryo-chamber
  7. Rules of conduct in the cryochamber
  8. Conclusion


Cryochamber – What is it?

Cryochamber – a special installation, which is a cabin filled with chilled nitrogen or a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen. The temperature at which the procedure is performed is minus 130-140 degrees Celsius. Externally, the sauna resembles a vertical solarium – a person is inside the cabin in a standing position.

Сryochamber Benefits

The client is placed inside the cryochamber machine, which closes tightly. Inside the cabin is a platform – it raises the human body to a certain height – so that the head is above the surface of the capsule. Next, the cabin is filled with gas, the temperature of which for the next 15 seconds is fixed at a given mark. The cryotherapy procedure takes no more than three minutes – during this time the body is enveloped in a thick white gas cloud.

Since the process of cooling the tissues takes a minimum amount of time, the gas is exposed only to the skin’s surface layers. Extreme cold does not affect the internal vital organs, so the body does not have time to freeze. A similar effect has an air cryochamber – the latest development of German scientists, the principle of which is to short-term cooling of the body by a stream of air-cooled to minus 85ºC.

This photo shows the optimal model of a cryochamber, which is installed in health centers.

Indications for use

The benefits of cryochamber have been confirmed both scientifically and practically. Cryosauna treatment is used all over the world, in turn, the beauty industry is actively using the cold for cosmetic purposes.

If you are interested in buying a cryochamber for business, you can always to get more information.

What is the effect of cryochamber?

  • Metabolism is normalized;
  • Blood circulation is activated;
  • Strengthens the vascular system and muscle tissue;
  • The condition of the skin improves;
  • Accelerates the production of melanin in the skin;
  • Body tone increases;
  • Immunity is restored;
  • The frequency of colds is minimized;
  • The organism hardens;
  • Working capacity increases;
  • After procedures, you will be feeling better.

In other words, cryotherapy is a real source of health and beauty, which is why it has a lot of indications.


  • Psoriasis;
  • Dermatitis;
  • Acne;
  • Allergy;
  • Chronic fatigue, insomnia;
  • Depression;
  • Arthrosis, arthritis, rheumatism, radiculitis;
  • Disorders of the reproductive system;
  • Ulcers, colitis, pancreatitis;
  • Adiposity;
  • Respiratory diseases;
  • Prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
  • Low immunity;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Metabolic disorders;
  • Cellulite;
  • Ower weight.

No less useful cryotherapy for varicose veins. Short-term exposure to cold relieves pain, edema, improves blood supply, strengthens blood vessel walls, reduces the size of varicose veins, reduces the likelihood of blood clots.

For those who want to preserve youth and beauty for as long as possible, beauty experts recommend using a cryochamber as a spa treatment. Cold massage, the effect of which is based on temperature changes, smoothes wrinkles, restores a healthy blush on the face, improves skin condition, restores breast shape.

Cryosauna is also notable for the fact that it gets rid of ower weight, so experts recommend including it in a weight loss program.


Now consider how the procedure itself. But first of all, it should be noted that you need to prepare for the cryo chamber procedure.

How to prepare for the procedure

First of all, it is necessary to consult with a therapist about the possibility of the procedure and undergo an examination of general health.
Cryotherapy is accepted in swimsuits/swimming trunks, so these accessories should be taken from the home. Also, to avoid frostbite of the extremities, it is necessary to bring socks and gloves.

How is the procedure

Disguised in a bathing suit, wearing socks and gloves, you go into the capsule and stay standing position. The specialist closes the capsule tightly and raises the platform inside the chamber so that your head is outside. Your body is enveloped in clouds of liquid nitrogen, which cools the skin for 15 seconds, keeping them in this state throughout the procedure.

Rules of conduct in the cryo chamber

Do not remove gloves and socks during the session to avoid freezing your fingers and toes.
Monitor your health – at the first symptoms of indisposition, tell the operator.
The optimal time of the first session is 30-40 seconds. In the future, visits can be increased to 2-3 minutes.

How often can you visit the cryo-chamber

Cryochamber treatment, as well as cosmetic cryo massage sessions, can be performed daily or every other day. Longer breaks are undesirable – this will reduce the effectiveness of procedures.

The health course is at least 10-15 sessions. If there are indications, the number of sessions can be increased to 25-30. You can repeat the course in two or three months.


Cryochamber brings considerable benefits to humans, but experts warn: such procedures should not be abused. It is equally important to know in which cases the procedures can be dangerous.


  • malignant tumors;
  • high body temperature;
  • acute inflammation of the internal organs;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • severe hypertension;
  • blood diseases;
  • respiratory problems;
  • lesions of the nervous system;
  • mental disorders;
  • predisposition to thrombosis;
  • chronic infectious diseases.


Cryochamber – an effective method of healing and rejuvenation of the whole body, based on the traditions of our ancestors. No less effective procedure in the cosmetic field: cryo massage helps to lose weight, get rid of extra inches on the waist and hips, eliminate cellulite, restore the elasticity of the skin. But do not forget that the maximum benefit of cryotherapy will bring if you follow all the rules and recommendations of experts.

At the moment, you can find a cryochamber for sale and purchase it for both a sports club and a wellness center.

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