🚨 Where’s the truth?
✅ Honestly I’ve always been a firm believer of keeping the neck neutral when setting up for the deadlifts, however, after doing my research and learning more from coaches such as Boris Sheiko, plus adding personal experience with clients to it, I’ve learned to appreciate both styles depending on the context.

✅ Quite in fact both can be used and an extended neck is not directly related to neck pain. (unless dealing with neck issues from past experiences)
From a safety standpoint I personally think both are safe and both have their place depending on the athlete you’re working with.
For most people, a neutral neck will be the best choice, however this depends as well. For instance (although anecdotal, yet I believe still relevant) I’ve noticed that teaching the deadlift with an extended neck tends to help people “with PPT” to maintain a more neutral back. And I’ve seen this work many times.
From a performance standpoint, if we look at Olympic Weight lifting & Powerlifting, we’ll notice most people keeping their necks extended. I don’t think it’s a case, when the whole purpose of competition is best performance.
✅ In which is argued that since the upper traps insert on the lateral third of the clavicle and the acromion process and since the spine of the scapula is on top of the bar, by lifting the head you put the upper trap fibers in a straight line to help pull the bar up. On the other hand, if the head is forward of the bar the traps are less optimally aligned to help you pull.
This may or may not make a difference but it’s still something to consider, when all you wanna do is lifting the heaviest weights.
Plus, I’m personally not aware of any neck injury coming directly from a deadlift.
What’re your thoughts on the matter and do you keep your chin up ir down when deadlifting?