Home Gym Workouts Legs exercises Standing Calf Raise vs. Seated Calf Raise, Difference, Tips, Benefits

Standing Calf Raise vs. Seated Calf Raise, Difference, Tips, Benefits


Standing Calf Raise: Variations, Technique

To understand the difference between Standing Calf Raises vs. Seated Calf Raises, read our article. We will consider individually the performance of the 2 best exercises, namely, Standing Calf Raise and Seated Calf Raise.

Sanding Calf Raise vs. Seated Calf Raises
How to Do Standing Calf Raises vs. Seated Calf Raises


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1. Standing Calf Raise Variations

1.1 Standing Raise with barbell

1.2 Standing Calf Raise With Dumbbells

1.3 Raise Calves while standing in the simulator

2. Seated Raise calves: variation, technique

2.1 Rises Calf Seated (in the simulator)

3. Conclusion


Raise on toes is one of the best exercises for pumping calf muscles. The variety of options for performing this exercise makes it very affordable and not demanding additional simulators and equipment.

Calf standing raises should be complemented by seated raise calves, which are an excellent isolated movement for working on the soleus muscles.

1. Standing Calf Raise Variations

Consider the technique for performing each of these movements.

2. Standing Raise with barbell

This version of the exercise is the most difficult and is suitable as a basic movement at the beginning of the calf muscle complex.

How to Do stand calf raise with barbell

Technique of execution:


  • Hang the needed weight disk on the barbell and place bar on the floor;
  • Come close to her, grasp the bar with your hands and lift it, as when performing deadlift;
  • Lock the bar in this position and begin to rise on toes, trying to stay longer at the top point of the amplitude;
  • Perform 3 sets of 8-10 working reps.

3. Standing Calf Raise With Dumbbells

This version of lifting socks is lightweight and is great for girls and beginner athletes.

How to Do Standing Calf Raise With Dumbbells

Technique of execution:

  • Take dumbbells in your hands, place them on the sides of your legs and straighten your back;
  • Start climbing on toes, lingering at the top of the exercise;
  • Perform 12-15 reps;

If this exercise is too easy for you, try to do it for each leg individually.

4. Raise Calves while standing in the simulator

This exercise allows you to work out the calf muscles more in isolation, since there is no need to hold the weight with your hands, as when lifting with a barbell or dumbbells.


Technique of execution:

  • Stand with your socks on the support step of the simulator, wringing your shoulders on special soft stops;
  • Start lowering your heels as low as possible to the floor, then climb up toes as high as possible;
  • At the top point of the amplitude, hold a short pause and only after it returns to its original position;
  • Perform 12-15 repetitions this way.

5. Seated Raise calves: variation, technique

In our last article, we looked at various options for standing on toes, which isolated the calf muscles. Meanwhile, there are also lifts on sitting toes, which differ in that they shift the emphasis of the load on the soleus muscles of the lower leg and are an important isolated exercise in training the calf muscles.

The main variations of raise on toes while sitting:

  • Rises Calves Seated (in the simulator)
  • Calf Rises Seated (with a barbell)

Consider the technique for performing each of the exercise options.

See more in our article: Variation calf raise

6. Rises Calf Seated (in the simulator)

This executing of the exercise is simple and does not require the spotter. Also, the simulator allows you to isolate the load as much as possible, without requiring additional efforts to stabilize the load.

How to Do Rises Calf Seated.jpg

Technique of execution:

  • Take a seat on the simulator, putting the toes on the support step;
  • Lower the detent to the knees with soft rollers and fix it in this position;
  • Lower your heels to the floor as low as possible;
  • Start raises toes with the powerful accentuated calf muscle effort;
  • Try to rise as high as possible, at the top point of the exercise, hold a 1-2 second pause and only after it returns to its original position;
  • Perform 12-15 reps.

7. Conclusion

  1. Train both Standing Calf Raise and Seated Calf Raise alternating this exercise in turn. Use moderate weights to avoid injury.
  2. As it became clear from the article when we perform a standing calf raise then both the main muscles of the calf leg and the soleus muscle are secondary.
  3. When we perform seated calf raise then the soleus muscles take over most of the load and the calf leg is pumped like a secondary muscle.
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