Shoulder Workout – Dumbbell Y Raise on Incline Bench
Dumbbell Y Raise on Incline Bench
This exercise is aimed at the development of the shoulders and trapezius muscle. You can do this exercise with one hand.
- Set the angle of the bench to about 15-20 degrees from the floor.
- Starting position: lie down on an incline bench face down and take dumbbells. Keep your hands in front of you, pointing them perpendicularly to your body.
- On exhalation – slowly spread your arms until the moment when your forearms are almost parallel to the floor. In the upper position, make a small delay by straining the muscles.
- On inhalation – lower the dumbbells to the starting position.
- Carry out the necessary number of repetitions.

Advice for Dumbbell Y Raise
- While performing the exercise, hands must be slightly bent at the elbows.
- Do not jerk during the exercise and do not take too much weight.
- Do not dilute the dumbbells above your shoulders. So the load will be directed to the shoulders, not to the back.
Do 4 sets of 10-12 repetitions, rest between sets for at least 1 minute