- In order for the workout to bring the desired result, pay attention to the following subtleties when performing Bulgarian Squat:
- During squats on the working leg, keep the shin strictly vertically, the knee and the toe of the foot pointing forward. In this exercise, the anatomical position of the joints is extremely important.
- To keep balance with dumbbells is much easier than with a barbell. The load on the spine is also less. You can work with the barbell in the Smith simulator, in other cases it is better to doing with dumbbells.
- Use a small, in extreme cases – the average burdening. When learning techniques in general, you can do without weight or use small dumbbells.
- If your goal is the total weight of the legs, make a choice in favor of classic squats and lunges. Use Bulgarian bullets to give your legs and buttocks an ideal shape and relief.
Despite the fact that the trajectory of movement is initially set by the simulator, the exercise has its own characteristics. Step-by-step execution technique is as follows.
Step number 1.
- Go to the Smith machine, set the desired weight and stand in the simulator, placing the barbell on the back of the shoulders (slightly below the neck). Using the grip a little wider than the shoulders, unlock the simulator by removing the weight from the hinges and taking a small step forward. Bring down the shoulder blades, place your legs slightly wider than your shoulders (slightly spread the toes to the sides), straighten your back (strain the press statically), look forward. This is your starting position.
Step number 2.
- Inhale and begin, slowly lowering the barbell, bend your knees. Drop down to an angle of 90 degrees (or just below), while watching the knees, they should not protrude strongly beyond the plane of the feet. After reaching the lowest point, begin to rise upward, starting from the floor with heels and straightening your legs. Return to the start position, exhaling on the effort. Repeat the specified number of reps.