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How to 3 Arm Exercises – Arm Day | Videos & Guides


How to 3 Arm Exercises – Arm Day 

How to 3 Arm Exercises - Arm Day 
How to 3 Arm Exercises – Arm Day


Today we will consider Three insulating biceps exercises and consider a brief technique for performing each of the exercises:


Seated Single Arm Cable Curl

Seated Single Arm Cable Curl
  • Set the cable to the middle position on the block, so that it is slightly below your eye. Hang the D-shaped handle on the block, sit on the bench, grasp the back grip, hands completely straightened.
  • Without lowering the elbow and not lifting it up, start bending the arm until the biceps is completely peak, stay in the peak state for 1-2 seconds. and turn your hand to the starting position. Change your hand and make the desired number of repetitions with your other hand.
  • Exercise is considered to be insulating and weight here does not matter much, important technique.


Perform 3-4 sets of 12-15 repetitions, at the end of the workout after the basic lifting of the biceps for example such as:

Cable Rope Preacher Curl

Cable Rope Preacher Curl

An exercise is similar to lifting a barbell or dumbbells, but here we use a special rope for traction on the triceps, in this way we diversify the exercise, and shift the load to the outer part of the head of the biceps, due to the expansion of the rope on the sides in the upper point of the maximum contraction of the biceps


  • Take a special rope for traction on the triceps, fix it at the bottom point of the simulator, take the rope and step back and sit on the bench, hands completely
    straightened, forearms and elbows lie on the bench, this is the starting position
  • Begin lifting the rope due to the force of the biceps without including the shoulders and the body they remain motionless, at the top point, spread the rope around the sides with the maximum reduction of the biceps and fix for 1 second, then slowly start lowering, perform the desired number of repetitions
  • Do 3 sets of 12-15 reps if you work on a relief and 8-10 with the maximum weight if you work on the development of strength or mass

Seated Dumbbell Isolation Curls

Seated Dumbbell Isolation Curls



  • Sit up straight. In each hand, take a dumbbell. Hands are lowered down, elbows are pressed to a body. The palms are facing inwards. This will be your starting position.
  • On exhalation, bend the right arm, lifting the dumbbell. The part of the arm from the elbow to the shoulder must remain fixed. Tip: Only the forearm works. The movement should continue until the biceps are completely reduction, until the arm with the dumbbell is at shoulder level. Take a short pause, straining your biceps.
  • On inhalation, slowly lower your hand to the starting position. Advice: do not forget to turn your wrist in such a way that your palm also returns to its original position.
    Repeat the motion with your left hand. Two movements constitute one repetition.
  • Carry out the necessary number of repetitions.
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