🚨 Hand Width for Close-Grip

✅ I see a lot of people gripping the wrong place when they are performing the close-grip bench press. Either they grip it too wide (turning it into a bench press) or they grip it too close (putting too much stress on the wrists and elbows and reducing stimulation on the triceps).
✅ The easiest way to tell if you are gripping it in the right place is to make sure your wrists stack up on your shoulders. (hands should be about 8 to 10 inches away from each other)

✅ Head position on the bench press is something a lot of people probably never thought about, but it can have some effect on your bench press.
✅ Keeping your head down on the bench press allows you to keep your scapulars retracted and upper back tight while lifting your head creates a curling motion, resulting in the complete opposite (a big no no).
✅ I do know there are big powerlifters that lift their head off the bench, but there is a specific reason for that (and it is geared powerfliting) and most lifters should never have to worry about that.