✅ What the diagram shows us here is simple PPL exercises, so you can familiarize yourself with what the PPL looks like, it’s always a great refresher for those wanting to know which exercises belong to which.
✅ So why would you want to incorporate this type of training style, is that for some time now in the fitness realm push, pull, legs has been known for allowing plenty of recovery time, trains all muscle groups and can be implemented several different ways for flexibility in schedules,
✅ These types of programs can be range in frequency of 3-6 days a week depending on how well your recovery is going and how much work you are willing to spend at the gym.
✅ So the push pull legs routine, or “PPL split,” is a weightlifting program that has you do three kinds of workouts:
1) 🚨 Push workout
-Chest, triceps and shoulders
2) 🚨 Pull workout
-Back, biceps
3) 🚨 Legs workout
-Quads, hamstrings, glutes and calves
🔥 So you may be thinking, this looks like a bro split, well yes and no. Most “bro splits” only hit a muscle group once per week, with this I would suggest to maximize muscle and strength gains recommend 4 to 6 training days per week. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
If you enjoy a higher frequency program, PPL may be the one for you!