Home Gym Workouts How to Do Squats: Benefits of Lunges

How to Do Squats: Benefits of Lunges


7 amazing lunges benefits

Do you want to have a perfect fit body, but do not want to lift very heavy weights? Do you want to know if there are any effective exercises that allow you to give a general physical shape and increase the strength of your muscles? Then there is one exercise that provides excellent results. However, before you disassemble it, you should first consider common errors that are usually made.

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Every time we train, the main goal, as a rule, is to strengthen muscles and achieve good overall fitness. But there are separate muscle groups that are often ignored during normal physical training. Girls, often paying attention to the gluteal muscles, neglect the inner and outer thighs. Many people who do fitness do not even realize the importance of developing these muscles, these muscles remain invisible. But it is important to pay attention and give a load to these muscles. Strengthening these muscles will not only make them more attractive, but will also contribute to the development of the hips, improve overall performance and functionality, as well as increase the total muscle mass of the hips. And the only effective exercise that allows you to achieve all this is lunges.

Doing lunges is a great way to develop your thigh muscles and strengthen your legs in general. This exercise is aimed at two muscle groups; hip extensor muscles and knee extensor muscles. Movement in the process of doing lunges is very similar to movement in squats. However, performing lunges, you make a wider range of movements and get a higher load on the muscles.

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Advantages of lunges in movement:

  1. Improving balance:
  2. Improving functionality:
  3. Symmetric muscle strengthening
  4. Improving hip flexibility:
  5. Strengthening the gluteal muscles:
  6. Rest for the spine:

Types of lunges:

Lunges are generally divided into two main types:

  1. Lunges in place
  2. Walking lunges

Walking with lunges is considered a more effective exercise than lunges in place, because it uses all the muscles of the legs and hips. Let’s compare between 2 main types of lunges:

Lunges in place:

Lunges in place consist of a downward movement, occurring a strong eccentric contraction of the quadriceps femoris, thigh biceps and glutes. This ensures that all the load falls on the front foot. The leg that remains behind allows you to maintain balance and balance of the body. In the process of moving up, both legs work to make the body lift back to its original standing position.


Lunges when walking

When walking, the downward movement remains the same, the load on all the muscles of the legs and hips is the same as with lunges on the spot. However, the upward movement differs from the usual variant of attacks on the spot. In this case, the load is concentrated on the front leg, and all the muscles of the leg, walking forward, are reduced as much as possible, and the body rises. It is necessary to maintain balance when performing this exercise. Therefore, with such movements, the leg laid back has a smaller load.

Lunges when walking

Lunges when walking do not very well engage the muscles of the back of the thigh. Therefore, it is important to perform lunges on the spot from time to time along with lunges when walking.


Advantages of lunges in movement:

It is believed that lunges when walking are the most effective option for lunges compared to lunges in place, due to the load they exert on the muscles of the legs and hips. However, in addition to this, there are several other advantages of walking lunges, which you should be aware of:

1. Improving balance:

Lunge training works well on the muscles of both sides of the body. Exercise can improve the balance and coordination of the body. Other basic leg exercises, such as squats and leg extensions, cannot provide similar results.

2. Improving functionality:

Lunges when walking give a load on the body in such a way that its functionality improves. Exercise also helps improve posture.

3. Symmetric muscle strengthening

Since lunges when walking are concentrated on individual parts of the body, they allow you to reach a symmetrically developed body. Lung training puts stress on muscle groups that other exercises overlook.

4. Improving hip flexibility:

Lungs when walking increase the flexibility of the muscles responsible for hip flexion, which often suffer as a result of a sedentary lifestyle that many people lead. In addition to stretching exercises, lunges are a great way to improve hip muscle flexibility.

5. Strengthening the gluteal muscles:

The gluteal muscles are not mainly used in the process of our regular physical training. Performing walking with lunges, you can concentrate on this muscle group.

You can learn more in the article how to lunges and also see the training program for: lunges squat


Rest for the spine:

Most exercises on the legs lead to back tension, but lunges, usually do not give axial load on the spine and provide its rest and recovery. If you are doing heavy workouts and weight training, then lunges can be a good way to relax your spine.

There are other options for lunges that can be performed using various equipment, for example, with dumbbells, etc. But, before you begin to use the additional load in these types of lunges, it is recommended to master the basic form of exercise well. A gradual increase in exercise will prepare your body for other forms of lunges. If you are unable to perform this movement correctly, you can seek advice and training from a fitness instructor, who will ensure that you perform lunges correctly.

Lunges, although not a classic basic exercise, but lunges when walking, can give your body a good load. Therefore, if you are preparing a training program, it is recommended to include lunges in it. If necessary, consult a trainer and create a training program that is best suited for you.

Everyone has a different physique. And that is why everyone needs different exercises, depending on the type of physique and tasks. However, lunging exercises can work effectively for almost everyone. Regardless of whether you are a beginner or already have training experience, lunges can provide great results!

Does your training program have lunges? What muscles do you focus on when you lunges? What other exercises would you recommend for the development and strengthening of the internal muscles of the thigh? Share with us in the comments section below!

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