Home Video exercises How to Good Mornings Proper Form & Guides

How to Good Mornings Proper Form & Guides

Target Muscles: Lower Back, Glutes, Hamstrings 3 Things to Avoid: ❌Knees Locked ❌Neck Bent Back ❌Curved Spine - 3 Things to Include: ✅Knees Slightly Bent ✅Neck Aligned With Spine ✅Spine Aligned


Incline with a barbell on the shoulders (Good Mornings Exercises).

Such an unusual name for the “good morning” exercise is due to the similarity of the movements performed by a person when bowing to the sun since the morning, tilting the back forward. This is the way we welcome the sun and that’s why the exercise was called “good morning”.

Good Mornings Exercises


Muscles that are involved during the exercise good morning

  • primary muscles – middle / lower back, broadest, hamstring;
  • synergists – a large gluteus and a large reducer;
  • stabilizers – muscles extensors of the spine;
  • antagonists stabilizers – straight / oblique abdominal muscles.

Advantage Good Mornings exercises

Performing Good Morning exercises, you will get the following advantages:

How to Good Mornings Exercises


  • The study of several muscle groups;
  • Strengthening of the muscles of the extensors of the spine along the entire length;
  • Development of the strength of the back;
  • Synergistic effect of the development of the lumbar and gluteal muscles, which is useful
  • During the performance of classical basic exercises;
  • Strengthening of the isometric position of the posterior arch of the athlete’s back;
  • Improving the stability of the athlete in basic movements;
  • Increase the transmission of power to the projectile by the athlete;
  • Progression in weight in various traction exercises;
  • Better posture;
  • Prevention of vertebral problems;
  • Rehabilitative effect after back injuries.

See also: How to pump other parts of the back

Technique of execution Good Mornings exercises


Exercise refers to the category of “finely-executed” and requires step-by-step compliance with the following techniques.


  • Take the bar from the barbell and position it on your back, in a position like you usually squat. Stand up straight, legs slightly bend, expand slightly wider than the shoulders, and spread the socks slightly to the sides. Strain the upper back, squeeze the shoulder blades and make an arched deflection in the lower back. This is your starting position.


  • Keeping your back flat, lean forward with the bar. While moving, move the buttocks back and support the back deflection in the back. Continue to bend over until your body is parallel to the floor. Perform a back motion by abbreviate the buttocks, hamstrings and lower back. Repeat the preset number of repetitions.

Do 4 sets of 15-20 repetitions in incline

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