Home Video exercises How to Low Pulley Row for Back | Videos & Guides

How to Low Pulley Row for Back | Videos & Guides

3 Things to Avoid: ❌Rolling shoulders forward ❌Rounding lower back ❌Not contracting enough 3 Things to Include: ✅Keep chest up. Shoulders back. ✅Spine aligned. ✅1-3 second squeeze up top.


Thrust of the lower block to the belt standing (Low Pulley Row)

Exercises for the back

How to Low Pulley row



Exercises Low Pulley Row of this kind are basic.

The purpose of the exercises is to pump the muscles of the back and apply it only in combination with heavy traction. The thrust of the lower block to the belt is the final movement of the complex for the muscles of the back. The work includes such muscles (from the primary to the secondary):

Thrust of the lower block to the waist – muscles

  • the widest back muscles;
  • diamond-shaped;
  • trapezium;
  • extensors of the spine;
  • muscles of forearm;
  • rear deltas;
  • muscles of the triceps;
  • biceps.


The technique Low Pulley Row standing


Consider the technique of the exercise standing in a slope, it is a bit more complicated:

  • Attach the neutral handle to the cable. Hold on to it and take the position of the half-squat, tilting the body at an angle of 30-40 degrees to the horizontal;
  • Grasp the handle with a strong and dense neutral grip. Neutral handles come in different sizes in width. Select a narrow or medium handle;

Tip: stand at a considerable distance from the block, so that when stretching your arms, the burden does not rest on the support;

  • Keep your head “in line” with your spine. Look down at the weight block;
  • Pull the handle to the belt with an isolated movement of the shoulder blades. At the top point of traction, maximally reduce the blades. Pause to increase the time of peak tension of the back muscles;


Tip: in order not to lose balance, balance the rack by taking the pelvis back;

  • Take a deep breath and hold your breath before doing the exercise. Exhale making cravings.

Although the weight of the burden is small, keep your back straight and straight to protect your lower back from excess tension and injury. Perform each repetition is emphasized slowly, to the strongest reduce of the shoulder blades.

What grip and which hilt to choose with Low Pulley Row?

The thrust of the lower block is usually carried out by a narrow grip and ignores the wide one. A narrow grip, the middle and bottom of the back work, the broadest ones are included. Reverse grip, the biceps are also included. With a wide grip, the load is slightly shifted to the trapezium, the rhomboid and rear deltas, the bar is pulled to the bottom of the chest.


Therefore, to swing the entire surface of the back, you need to work by all grip.

The traction of the block to the belt is performed in the mode of 12-15 repetitions for 3 approaches;

To achieve an excellent V-shape, it is necessary to include the thrust of the lower block in your program. Good results to you!

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