Home Gym Workouts How to Proper Spotting Techniques and Rules

How to Proper Spotting Techniques and Rules

3 Things to Avoid: ❌No Lift Off ❌Distracted / Eyes Not on Bar ❌Too Much Help When Needed 3 Things to Include: ✅Proper Lift Off ✅Eyes on Bar ✅Only Help as Needed


How to Proper Spotting Techniques and Rules

Spotting Guide
Spotting Techniques and Rules


Proper Spotting Techniques and Rules

Sometimes any athlete needs a good partner for spotting in exercises. This applies to the basic movements, such as squatting with the barbell, bench press sitting and lying, dumbbell press, and sometimes in lighter, like exercises for pumping biceps. That’s just how to do it right, not everyone knows.

I will help you become a quality insurer in the gym. First, immediately grasp the difference between the positive and negative phases . As a rule, you are asked to insure in movements in the positive phase. For you, the main task is to maintain the health of the athlete and the ability not to interfere, so as not to spoil his approach. Touch the projectile and help in the exercise only when there is no doubt about the need for help. If you keep holding the bar all the time, then you are bring down the pace for lifting weights.

Spotting Bench push barbell sitting or lying

In this exercise, you must closely monitor the movement of the projectile. As a rule, a clear signal to help is a 2-3-second bar stop at the dead center or its backward movement. Before the beginning of the approach, discuss with athlete the method of spotting: either a little help in passing the dead spot, or a significant intervention in the “lift” with yours help.

Spotting Press of dumbbells


It’s all a little more complicated than with a barbell. Ideally, in this exercise, you need two insurers on each side, on each dumbbell. But if you yourself, you should stand behind and help a person in case of a stop under the elbows. Try, that with your help, dumbbells should be squeezed out simultaneously, because sometimes only one hand handles.

Spotting of the Squats


Here, the best option for spotting is two, and sometimes three, assistants. Two on each side. but one behind. But if you are alone, you must become behind the athlete, taking him by the chest area. Doing every squat with him, you will be ready at any time to get involved in the work.

What exercises do not need Spotting

In such exercises as deadlift, standing bar press, weightlifting jerk and push are quite traumatic for spotting, and, both for the performer and for the insurer. In these movements, there are special ways to reset the barbell to avoid injury.

That’s all the simple rules of spotting in the gym. I hope with their help you will become a reliable and always desired insurer for your comrades in the iron game.

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