✅ The complaint people have about the bench press is that it hurts their shoulders. Getting around this problem can be as simple as flipping your hands around on the bar. ✅ The reverse-grip (palms-up) bench press takes pressure off your shoulders while still working your pecs, and targets your triceps to an even greater degree than standard bench presses allow.
- ✅ When to do it: Early in your upper-body workout
- ✅ What it hits: Pecs, triceps
- ✅ How much to do: 3–4 sets, 8–10 reps

- Lying on a flat bench, grasp the bar with a supinated (reverse) grip, hands shoulder-width apart, and thumbs around the bar.
- Press the bar back up to the start position in a slight backward arc without letting your elbows flare out.
- Don’t lock out your elbows at the top of the rep; keep a bend in your arms, maintaining control of the weight at all times.
- With your elbows tucked in close to your sides, slowly lower the bar down to your lower pecs, and touch down softly.
- Press the bar back up to the start position in a slight backward arc without letting your elbows flare out.
- Don’t lock out your elbows at the top of the rep; keep a bend in your arms, maintaining control of the weight at all times.