Home Video exercises How to Walking Lunges | Exercise Videos&Guides

How to Walking Lunges | Exercise Videos&Guides

3 Things to Avoid: ❌Knee Crossing Over Toe- With your weight on your front leg, it is easy to get caught extending your knee past your toe. This will cause unneeded straight on your knees especially when using weights. ❌Knee Touching the Ground- This is a red flag that you are not controlling your reps enough if your knees are touching the ground. Touching your knees will also temporarily reduce the tension on your muscles resulting in less effective reps. ❌Fast, Uncontrolled Reps- Although lunges are painful, speeding through them without slow controlled reps will increase chances of injury, reduce proper muscle activation, and result in a less effective workout. 3 Things to Include: ✅Knee Stays Behind Toe- This is the safest form and will also result in your weight being balanced between both legs which creates more powerful reps and activates more muscles. ✅Knee Does Not Touch Ground- Save your knees from potential injury and get the most out of your workout with increased time under tension. ✅Slow, Controlled Reps- You will immediately notice this increases the burn which is a sign you're doing something right! More muscles engaged and kore strain on the muscles.


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How to Walking Lunges



Walking Lunges

Walking Lunges for ideal hips and buttocks, or as they are also called “walking” are ideal for training on relief and fat burning. This exercise allows you to consume a large amount of energy, as it involves the largest muscle mass in our body – legs and buttocks. In addition, the need to constantly maintain the balance (in motion it is much more difficult to do than in the static position) actively loads the muscles stabilizers.

Advantages of exercise Walking Lunges

As you know, in order to reduce weight, you need to expend more energy than you get with food. This is an axiom that does not require proof. Dynamic attacks (Walking Lunges) are very energy intensive exercise and are quite suitable for inclusion in fat burning workouts.

There is also a second condition for the successful reduction of the fat layer. Your body receives most of the energy from the fat in the event that the pulse is at the level of 120-140 beats per minute (this is 60-70% of the heart rate). The exact value depends on age and physical fitness. So, the longer you work at this pulse, the more fat your body will have time to use up. Dynamic work with a small burden just allows you to “enter” into this zone and stay there longer than with heavy exercise. Not without reason, fat-burning exercises involve a large number of repetitions.

In addition to the above, Walking Lunges perfectly train the musculature of the thighs and buttocks. The work of the muscles during their execution is as follows:

  1. Quadriceps, large gluteal muscles and a group of muscles of the posterior surface of the thighs assume the main load.
  2. The muscles of the press, the backs are actively involved, ensuring the stabilization of the body during the movement.

This exercise can be done both generally without weight, and using dumbbells or a barbell. With dumbbells it is easier to keep balance and lower the load on the spine, however, the hands become more tired. The bar makes you more actively balance and creates a greater burden on the spine. You can also use weight, holding it in front of the chest, a dumbbell, a fitness-pancake or a fitball.

In general, the choice of inventory is very wide. Therefore, choose the exercises that will allow you to feel most comfortable and will create the right load on the muscles.



The technique of performing Walking Lunges

Variations walking Lunges, including dynamic ones, is a huge number. As such, the term “dynamic” does not simply mean a static squat, but the addition of additional movements:

  • The return of the foot, which you take a step, after every repetition.
  • Alternate change of legs during the movement. The executing can be any: left-right-left-right, or three-fold left-three right, and so on.
  • A walking Lunges on the hall. This is the most complex coordination option, maximally including the body stabilizers in the work of the muscle.
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