Home Nutrition Peanut butters!

Peanut butters!


Brand difference in peanut butter

peanut butter

Composition of peanut butter

But what is a real peanut butter? This product, which is completely ready for use, is a mixture of peeled, fried, and then crushed peanuts, a small amount of sugar and salt, as well as vegetable oil. In addition, in the composition of peanut paste, stabilizers are often added for a more stable product structure.
High-quality peanut butter has a homogeneous creamy consistency with a smell and taste, which are characteristic of roasted peanut kernels. The color of the product can range from pale brown (almost creamy) to a rich coffee color. It directly depends on the composition of peanut butter and the way it is cooked.

Calorie content of peanut butter 598.15 kcal

Energy value of peanut butter (ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates – bzhu):
Proteins: 24.81 g. (~ 99 kcal)
Fats: 50.55 g. (~ 455 kcal)
Carbohydrates: 10.37 g (~ 41 kcal)
The energy ratio (δ | x | y): 17% | 76% | 7%

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