Home Gym Workouts Pull-ups on Horizontal Bar: Types, Techniques, Benefits

Pull-ups on Horizontal Bar: Types, Techniques, Benefits


Build Muscle with Pull-Ups on the Horizontal Bar

Today we’ll talk about how to build muscle with a pull ups on the horizontal bar. The matter is not limited to exercises alone in order to achieve the result an integrated approach will be required.

Pull-Ups on the Horizontal Bar
How to Do Pull-Ups on the Horizontal Bar


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Reading time: 6 min.

Integrated Approach to Pull-ups on Horizontal Bar Training

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar, like any other exercises, cannot single-handedly pump this or that muscle group, so that muscles grow, an integrated approach is needed.

It is very important to understand that the most important thing in muscle growth is nutrition. Next come the healthy sleep and lifestyle in general. Let’s start with nutrition so that everything is brief and clear.

Proper Nutrition for Gain Mass

Consuming a lot of calories will really allow you to gain weight. If you do not exercise at the same time, then fat will accumulate. If, with an excess of calories, load your muscles, it will be the muscles grow or drie.

A very important condition is the quality of the food. Depending on what is contained in the food, subcutaneous and visceral fat or muscle will grow more.

If your food is rich in protein, the building material will get the muscle part of the body. But without energy, muscles cannot work efficiently.

High carbohydrate foods, in turn, are rich in energy, embedded in the chemical bonds between the molecules. This energy will be consumed during training, and its surplus will be stored in the form of glycogen and go on the burn of fat.

But building material for muscles in carbohydrate food is not enough, so they have nothing to grow with. All trace elements need are important in a balanced overall composition.

Note: Hence the conclusion – we need both proteins and carbohydrates. Everything is simple here – there is material, there is energy – synthesis is underway. This is how our body works.


See what add with exercises for the back in conjunction with pull-ups on the Horizontal Bar.

The most effective option is to calculate your daily diet in calories and grams of protein, carbohydrates and fats. Read how to do this in our article, how to choose the right diet.

  • Your first task is to make calories spent per day less than consumed. Then an excess of calories will give rise for grow the muscles.
  • The second task is to determine how much protein you need to consume per day with your body weight. And provide yourself with such a diet. Remember that protein is not only found in meat. Among other things, these are dairy products, eggs, fish and much more.

Compliance with the optimal number of calories will be called proper nutrition. Stick optimal nutrition, and gain mass on the horizontal bar will not take long.

Lifestyle for Effective Train pull ups

By lifestyle, I understand the ratio of sleep and wakefulness during the day, as well as motor activity. Everything is clear with activity – the higher it is, the nutrition should be caloric and the less we move the less calories you need to consume.

Note: You need to sleep enough to feel good and cheerful during the day. Some argue – the more sleep, the better the restoration of the body. But, it is important not so much the number of hours as the quality of sleep.


Executing pullups on Horizontal Bar


How to Pull ups on Horizontal Bar

To understand how to gain muscle mass on the horizontal bar, you will need to perform different pull-up variation.

Focus on the pull-ups. It will be a kind of preparation. For example, you can practice three times a week.

How to Do Pull Ups on Horizontal Bar and Split by Day

  1. Pull up with a tight grip in 3 approaches to the maximum number of times (but, at least 10 in the approach).
  2. Wide grip pull-ups 3 sets of 10 times.
  3. Pull ups with a classic middle grip 3 sets of 10 times.

In a weekly train, the last day should be light workout so that your muscles do not overwork. This mode, try practicing for a month. In 30 days you will go through about 12–13 workouts, then, depending on your results, you can start working on the gain mass.

The training scheme will look something like this.
  • On the first and second day, reduce the number of repetitions in the approach to 6-8.
  • Weights should be such that the last reps pull-up was given to you with great difficulty.
  • The third day we doing “lightweight workout”. That is, we work 10 times without weights or with little weights.

We perform all movements slowly, without jerking. If you take a very large weight, you will not be able to do all the repetitions smoothly. Have to pull ups with jerkily. People with injuries run the risk of pulling the muscles of their forearm and shoulder. Take these risks into account and avoid sudden movements.

The Benefits of pullups

The use of pullups on the horizontal bar is obvious. You work with the weight of your body. The body is genetically optimized for working with yourself weight. You can do various strength exercises on the horizontal bar, then your muscle strength is in excellent condition. If you can’t pull yourself up, it’s worth practicing the technique and your muscles will grow stronger.

how to pullups workout
  1. When you hang on the horizontal bar, your spine does not experience compression and it is stretched. This is useful in terms of preventing infringements and clamps.
  2. The muscles hold the vertebrae, attracting them to each other, but if you relax, you can achieve a therapeutic effect.
  3. If you are engaged in a gym and give a vertical load with huge a weights, you must definitely hang on the horizontal bar for at least 60 seconds a day, trying to completely relax your back and abs.

Of course, when you pull ups, you will not be able to relax. But here there is another feature – firstly, you’r disperse the blood through the body, which contributes to the saturation of muscle, and forces you to activate growth zones in muscles. Pullups will work even without add weight.

Features of weight gain on the horizontal bar.

Pull Ups load biceps, shoulders and back. The lower back, legs, triceps – do not experience stress. So, only the back muscle will develop and arms also.

Also, the increase in mass will not go so fast, since the load does not affect the entire muscle of your body.

It makes sense to add push-ups on the parallel bars (these are the chest and triceps) and raising your legs in the hang (abdominal press) to your outdoor training.

But leg training gives a good increase in weight due to the production of large amounts of testosterone. Here the horizontal bar and parallel bars will no longer help. It’s better to buy yourself a pair of good dumbbells or a barbell. Or go to the gym.

Be prepared for the fact that from pull-ups alone the mass will not grow so when performing a set of basic exercises with iron.

In conclusion, I want to say that it happens that you do everything right, follow the technique. But you do not have enough perseverance to overcome yourself and go to training every time, despite laziness or fatigue. But then there will be no progress either.
Remember that pumping muscles go with regular workouts. Overcome yourself, try to do more repetitions than you can. Constant self-education is the key to success!

You can see more variation train pull ups in (@guide.togym)

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