✅Primary Muscle: Pecs (chest)
✅Secondary muscles: front Deltoid (shoulder)
✅Sets: 3-4
✅Reps: 8-12

Tips: Keep arms on an angle but keep that angle through the whole movement.
Keep chest up and flex your chest as your muscle contracts
✅ Sets 3 Reps 12-15
- Stand tall in the middle of a cable machine, holding a D-handle attached to the high pulley in each hand with a slight bend in your elbows.
- Keeping your chest up and core braced, initiate the move and – still with that bend in your elbows – bring your hands around in front of your body to meet between chest and bellybutton height.
- As your hands come together, rotate your wrists so your palms face upwards, then hold your hands together with little fingers touching, squeezing your chest muscles hard.
- Focusing on how this movement of your wrist and arms places tension on the middle of your chest, hold the position for a one or two count.
- Slowly reverse the movement all the way to the start, keeping full control of the weight throughout the return.
✅ RECOMMENDED: 20-Minute Chest Workout