Home Fitness Bodyweight Workout The 15 Best Resistance Bands Exercises for Fitness at Home

The 15 Best Resistance Bands Exercises for Fitness at Home


The 15 Best Resistance Bands for Fitness at Home on Arms, Buttocks, Legs, Shoulders, Back, and Abs.

Resistance Bands has become a popular addition and an alternative to many fitness equipment, today we will consider the 15 best exercises with Resistance Bands. Due to their compact size, elastic bands fit easily into a pocket, bag, or backpack. The mobility of the accessory allows for training on the street, at home or in the gym.

How to Do Best 15 resistance band exercises
Best 15 resistance band exercises


What is the use of the best resistance bands workouts for women?

Exercise with a band for fitness helps to achieve these goals:

  • Increase Staying power and Stronghold
  • Boost any muscle segment
  • Improve Stamina
  • Fortifying the corset muscle
  • Develop muscle elasticity
  • Improve stretching and mobility

Training with elastic bands has several advantages:

  • Safety
  • universality
  • Compactness
  • Availability
  • Load uniformity
  • No contraindications for use

Due to the fact that resistance bands reduce the load on the musculoskeletal system, the workout is will suit prevention for a hernia of any location, lesions of the musculoskeletal system, curvature of the spine, rehabilitation after severe injuries, operations and diseases. The rubber is suitable for swimmers, gymnasts, and other people involved in fitness and other sports who want to strengthen the muscles of the body.

What is a resistance band for fitness, Types of elastic bands

Resistance band – a wide loop made of elastic materials. For the manufacture of accessories used rubber, latex, or polyurethane. For muscle pumping at home, you can choose any type of sports equipment:

Types of Best Resistance Bands

The accessory is a long elastic band of more than 1m. Ideal for strength training.

  • Long Resistance Band Loops – a closed section of an elastic tape of various widths and lengths. Suitable for working out the whole body.
  • Mini Resistance Band loops – they have a small diameter and good fixation. Ideal for working out a specific muscle group.
  • Resistance Band with handles – are easy to use thanks to two handles.
  • Hinges for TRX and CrossFit.

By the degree of resistance, these types of elastic bands for fitness are distinguished:

  1. Greens (up to 5 kg) are considered the most suitable for beginners.
  2. Blue (up to 8 kg) suitable for warming up.
  3. Yellow (up to 12 kg) provide an average level of load.
  4. Reds (up to 18 kg) are suitable for strength training.
  5. Black (up to 23 kg) are considered ideal for professionals.

How to choose a Resistance Band?

The choice of Rubber Band depends on such factors:

  • Material. Elastic tapes are designed for several years of active use. Preferred is a tape made of latex. The material is wear-resistant and durable, however, it can cause allergies.
  • Cost. Cheap sports accessories are most often made from low-quality materials without observing technology.
  • Desired degree of load. Rubber is sold in a set, which makes it possible to choose an effective degree of resistance.

See more in our article: How to Do Training Shoulder with Resistance Band

The Best Exercises with Band for the Abs

1. The Jump Plank with Resistance Band

How to The Plank with Resistance band
The Plank with Resistance band exercises


How to Do:

  • Plank position, stretch band is on the legs
  • In a jump, spread your legs and connect them
  • Perform 3 sets of 15-20 reps

2. Knee Glute Kickback with Resistance Band

How to Bent Knee Glute Kickback
How to Do Bent Knee Glute Kickback

How to Do:

  • Body position facing the floor, band on the legs
  • Raise legs one by one, with fixation at the highest point
  • Perform 3 sets of 12-15 reps

3. Side Plank with Resistance Band

how to side plank exercises
how to Do side plank

How to Do:

  • We carry out the side plank with the hand raised up, one hand resting on the floor, the second raised for balance, the resistance band on the legs.
  • Raise one leg at a time, switch sides after the required number of repetitions
  • Perform 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps

The Best Resistance Band Exercises for the Waist

4. The Bicycle with Rubber Band 

How to Do Bicycle with resistance band

How to Do:

  • Exercise is like an exercise “bicycle” with only a resistance band.
  • Lie on a fitness mat, start twisting alternately with your legs, feel the resistance of the strip on your legs, do as many repetitions as you need.
  • Perform 3 sets of 10-15 times

Best Resistance Band Exercises for Legs and Buttocks

5. Walking with Resistance Band

How to Do Walking with resistance band
How to Do Executing Walking with resistance band


How to Do:

  • Perform walking on bent legs, on the feet wearing a band of resistance
  • Doing 3 sets with a rest of 40 seconds between sets, 12-15 times

6. Standing Leg Raise with Resistance Band

How to Standing Leg Raise with Resistance Band
How to Do Standing Leg Raise

How to Do:

  • Raise the legs back together with a resistance band.
  • Put a strip on your legs, the body position is even with the body slightly inclined forward for the best balance.
  • The raise your foot back to the maximum resistance of the tape.
  • Perform one leg first 3 sets of 15-20 reps, then change the leg.

7. The Glute Bridge with Resistance Band

The Glute Bridge with resistance bands
How to Do Glute Bridge with resistance bands

How to Do:

  • For executing exercises, lie on a fitness mat, lift a little buttocks by 10-15 cm, the resistance tape is worn above the knees.
  • Due to the muscles of the hips, start to raise the knees to the sides, perform the desired number of repetitions.
  • Perform 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions

8. Curtsy Lunges with Resistance Band

How to Curtsy Lunges
Curtsy Lunges exercises

How to Do:

  • Exercise is similar to classic lunges, only on your feet you will have a resistance band.
  • Move one leg behind the other, while keeping your back flat. Perform the number of repetitions you need.
  • Perform 3 sets of 15-20 reps

9. Deep squats with a Resistance Band

How to Do Deep squats
Deep squats with band exercises


How to Do:

  • The exercise is just like classic squats without weight but with resistance tape on the legs, we will also shift the load and do the squat with a step to the side.
  • From a standing position, take a step to the right and stretch the resistance tape with your feet, when you stand up, put your foot to the near another leg. Change Legs, and repeat the squat. Perform the desired number of repetitions.
  • Perform 3 sets of 10-12 times

10. Donkey kickback with Rubber Band 

How to Donkey kickback
Donkey kickbacks with Resistance Band

How to Do:

  • To do the exercise, use a fitness mat, get on all fours, fix the resistance tape on one leg, and fasten it on the second leg on the shoes.
  • Raise your hind leg behind your back until the fitness tape is stretched as far as possible. Perform the required number of repetitions and change legs and perform needed reps.
  • Doing 3 sets of 15-25 reps, depending on the preparation, rest should be 40 seconds. after completing the exercise with both legs.

11. Leg Front Raise with Band

How to Leg Lift
How to Do Leg Front Raise

How to Do:

  • Exercise ejection with one leg of the resistance tape in front of you, for this, take the tape and fasten it to your shoes. Hold the other edge of the tape with your hand.
  • Start to push up your leg in front of you by stretching the resistance band. Change your leg and do as many times as you need.
    The number of times depends on the level of training, on average it is 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions

12. Side donkey kicks

how to do side band donkey kicks
sideband donkey kicks exercises

How to Do:

  • When doing exercise, use a fitness mat, get on all fours (dog position), wear a resistance band above your knees.
  • Curve your leg and begin to take aside, stretching the tape as much as possible. Perform the required number of repetitions on one leg first, and then on the second.
  • Perform the exercise without rest between sets.
  • Number of sets 3, 15-20 reps each leg.

13. Squad band leg swings

How to Do Squad band leg swings
Squad band leg swings exercises

How to Do:

  • The exercise is similar to the classic squats but with the abduction of the legs to the side with resistance tape.
  • Put on a resistance tape just below the lower leg, do a squat, and while you stand up, take your leg to the side. Perform the desired number of repetitions.
  • Number of 3 sets of 15-20 reps, less if you do it in combination with other exercises

Chest Exercise with the Resistance Band

14. Resistance Band Pushups

How to Do Resistance band pushups
Resistance-band-pushups exercises

How to Do:


  • Exercise is similar to classic push-ups, but only here we will use the resistance tape.
  • Wrap the tape behind your back, and fasten it in your palms.
  • Perform a push-up and stretch a resistance strip.
  • Do 3 sets of 10-12 reps

15. Glute Bridge Resistance Band

How to Buttock bridge
Buttock bridge exercises

How to Do:

  • Use a fitness mat to do the exercise.
  • Pin up resistance tape just above your knees.
  • Begin to raise your pelvis, make a bridge, thrust on the shoulder blades.
  • Perform 10-15 reps.
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