Home Before and After Weight Loss success stories

Weight Loss success stories


Weight Loss success stories

Weight Loss success stories!

Apparently I haven’t posted on insta since Christmas!

And shame on me for not shamelessly promoting because January is always prime money makin’ time 💰for any trainer or coach in the fitness industry!  But for real, it’s always exciting for me to train new vegan clients for the brag about that time in 2015 when my girl Nina went from vegan and DESTROYED the competition for this 12weekchallenge, beating out 345,000 people WORLDWIDE! 😀 Big deal but if that’s not a win for veganism AND my vegan coaching, I dunno what is!

I did write a big blog post all about her workouts and vegan called “The Inside Scoop on how my Client Challenge” if you wanna do a little. And of course, if you’re ready to go ALL IN and want to hire me as your very own vegan coach, well that’s cool too.

In the meantime, good luck to everybody who’s Grinding Away on their health and fitness goals in 2018 and high five to everyone who puts in the work every year, all year long!

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