Home Gym Workouts 🚨Workout on the Week |👇 Chest & Triceps 

🚨Workout on the Week |👇 Chest & Triceps 


💥 Workout on the Week | Chest & Triceps 

✅ Training your chest shouldn’t be a futile exercise of boring monotony.

✅ If you’re boring and don’t want to experience truly massive gains, feel free to rep through endless standard bench press sets until your back fuses with the bench. You might get better at that one exercise — but you’re spurning all of the potential benefits that other moves could offer.


Choose two or three to work into your routine, and for best results, rotate in new movements every 3 or 4 weeks.

Workout on the Week | Chest & Triceps 
Workout on the Week | Chest & Triceps

🔥 Reverse-Grip Dumbbell Press


The reverse grip press will power gains in your upper chest. Doing it on an incline press offers even more benefits.

For extra work, start with a standard grip, then rotate as you lift as you would while performing an Arnold press.

✅ Do it: Sit on an incline bench with dumbbells in each hand. Start with the weights held with your hands facing you, positioned at your pecs. Keep your chest strong, with a natural arch in the lower back.

Press the weights up with both hands, pausing for a moment at the top of the movement. Lower the weight back down to your chest on a three count, then pause for a full count, stretching your chest.


🔥 Batwing Fly

Spend more time at the bottom of the movement to really reap its benefits. Start with light weights to get used to the move, and try alternating between overhand and neutral grips to switch things up.

✅ Do it: Sit on an incline bench with dumbbells in each hand. Start with the weights held with your hands at your pecs, as if you were preparing for a press. Keep your chest strong, with a natural arch in the lower back.

Straighten your arms out to each side, maintaining your strong chest position. Pause for a count with your arms extended, stretching the muscles.


Workout Chest of the Week

🔥 Batwing Fly

Spend more time at the bottom of the movement to really reap its benefits. Start with light weights to get used to the move, and try alternating between overhand and neutral grips to switch things up.


✅ Do it: Sit on an incline bench with dumbbells in each hand. Start with the weights held with your hands at your pecs, as if you were preparing for a press. Keep your chest strong, with a natural arch in the lower back.

Straighten your arms out to each side, maintaining your strong chest position. Pause for a count with your arms extended, stretching the muscles.

🚨 Best Triceps Exercises For Bigger

For really big arms, stop listening to the bro science and take a break from the preacher curl bench. For true gains and size, you need to cut back on your biceps, believe it or not, and concentrate on your triceps. Your squat rack-hogging, curl-head buddy might not want to hear it, but it’s the truth, right down to the basic anatomy of your arm.

Arm Workout

🔥 EZ Bar Skull Crushers


The skull crusher is a go-to tricep move because it gives you a chance to isolate the muscle. The lying position allows you to kill any momentum you use to cheat in other moves.

✅ DO THIS: Put your feet flat on the floor, squeezing your glutes and keeping your core active on the bench. After you lift the bar above your chest, drive your shoulders aggressively into the bench and maintain a little bit of tension in your mid-back to prep for the exercise.

The next steps are all about isolation. Once you begin to lower the bar to your head for reps, make sure you’re only moving at the elbow joint. Keep your shoulders and upper arms stable.

🔥 Seated Overhead Triceps Extension

When you work your triceps, you might forget there are three parts to the muscle: the lateral head, the medial head, and the long head. The last part might not always get the attention it deserves—unless you’re regularly doing exercises like this one, with your arms over your head to isolate the long head.


✅ DO THIS: Sit on a bench and grab one dumbbell. Form a diamond shape with both hands to grip the top end of the weight. Raise the dumbbell over your head, keeping your elbows up and your core tight.Lower the barbell down the top of your back by bending at the elbow, maintaining your strong chest and keeping your shoulders still. Raise the weight by fully extending your arms, pausing for a count to squeeze at the top of the movement.

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