394lbs to lose weight together

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-394lbs 👇 combined since we made a New Years Resolution to lose weight together 01/01/16!

When I met at 16 years old I weighed 300+lbs. Hes never known me as less than a size 22W until now. He has never treated me like my size or asked me to change. He doesnt make me feel any less worthy at 179lbs than he did at 485lbs. We met at a local coffee shop where we were both seeing a local band and I immediately jokingly told my bestfriend I was going to get his phone number. I had never had a real boyfriend and I never expected for him to be so interested in me due to my size. I never imagined 10 years later how different life would be from that moment and how we would take on the world together. Losing weight is hard but even harder when the ones you love dont support you. We deserve someone that loves us and makes us greater due to that love. Even if we must be that person and fall in love with taking care of ourselves. Dont wait for the New Year to change your life like we did – start today!

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