Weight loss Stories of Celebrity – Before and After Photos

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How to Celebrity Lost Weight: Inspiring Transformation Stories, Photo Before & After

Celebrity weight loss stories with before and after pictures are incredibly inspiring, especially if the weight loss is significant. But how not just to be inspired, but also to repeat the stellar experience and lose weight by 20, 30, 40 kilograms?

As a rule, public people do not make secrets from their transformation and willingly share the secrets of getting rid of excess weight. Here are some of the most famous real weight loss stories of celebrities.

Jennifer Hudson – lost 40 kg

By the age of 29, Jennifer Hudson has reached such heights that many do not achieve in their entire life. In 2007, when Jen was only 25, she received an Oscar, a few years later she met the man of her dreams and gave birth to a son. And the curvaceous forms were not a hindrance. But after pregnancy, Hudson decided to radically change her appearance.

Jennifer Hudson - Losing Weight Story
Jennifer Hudson – Losing Weight Story


How Jennifer Hudson lost weight

She turned to the Weight Watchers program and a professional trainer. The nutritionists developed a nutrition plan for the actress, and the trainer suggested an effective 25-minute workout using the Harley Pasternak method (5 Factor workout).

As a result of systematic work on her body, Jennifer Hudson has lost almost 40 kg and has been successfully maintaining her weight for several years.

Jonah Hill – Lost 30+ kg

Many directors use Jonah Hill fullness, every now and then forcing him to gain weight for roles. Thus, Hill sometimes gained 20-30 kg for the role, then dropped them again and gained again. But in the past few years, Hill has shown amazing results in the field of weight loss several times, losing weight beyond recognition.

Jonah Hill - Weight Loss Story
Jonah Hill – Weight Loss Story

How Jonah Hill lost weight

The secret to losing weight is simple and straightforward: healthy eating under the supervision of a professional nutritionist and regular exercise in the gym. And if earlier Jonah Hill basically only got rid of excess fat, then in the spring of 2017 it became clear that the actor began to devote a lot of time to gaining muscle mass. Jonah noted that he stopped using alcohol and realized that Japanese cuisine, rich in seafood, helps him to lose weight.

Jordin Sparks – lost 20+ kg

American singer Jordin Sparks dropped 50 pounds, which is the equivalent of about 23 kg. Losing weight took 18 months, during which Jordin reconsidered her eating habits: she gave up overeating, controlled portion size, and switched to “pure” natural food.

Jordin Sparks Lose Weight Story
Jordin Sparks Lose Weight Story


How Jordin Sparks lost weight

Not without regular training, moreover, the most diverse. Sparks focused on circuit training that boosts metabolism, walking, and swimming as cardio. The singer also discovered the Sensazão Zumba class, which burns about 900 calories per hour.

Kim Kardashian – lost 30 kg

Each pregnancy brought Kardashian about 30 extra pounds, which Kim got rid of in a short time. Fans, haters, and ordinary observers of the life of a show business star could not help but ask questions: how did Kim Kardashian manage to lose 30 kg so quickly?

Kim Kardashian Loss Story
Kim Kardashian Loss Story

How Kim Kardashian lost weight

Daughter, North Kardashian gave birth on June 13, 2015, and in December she appeared on the cover of US Weekly in a bikini with impeccable shapes. Kim gave birth to her son Saint on December 5, 2015, and already in June 2016 she appeared nude on the cover of GQ, showing her previous forms.

The famous Atkins diet, the menu of which is based on a high intake of proteins and a small amount of carbohydrates, helped Kardashian to lose 30 kg in less than six months. On the day, Kardashian consumed no more than 40 grams of carbohydrates and did high-intensity workouts daily. For example, she did 100 squats every morning.

Khloe Kardashian – lost 20 kg

Sister Kim and another from the Kardashian clan, too, faced the problem of being overweight and the need for effective weight loss.

Khloe Kardashian Weight Loss Stroy
Khloe Kardashian Weight Loss Stroy


How Khloe Kardashian lost weight

According to Khloe Kardashian herself, her weight loss has stretched so much for several reasons. Firstly, she herself did not want to lose weight quickly, like a sister, preferring emotional and physical comfort in this process. But at first, she lost weight herself, without specialists, and then there were difficulties with motivation.

After a while, Kardashian turned to a trainer, then to a nutritionist. Khloe got up every day at 5 in the morning and immediately began training on an empty stomach. Breakfast at the star was not earlier than 8 am. During the day, Kardashian drank up to 6 liters of water (which, in fact, no specialist would recommend doing) and followed a diet. As a result, Khloe Kardashian lost almost 20 kg in a year.

Jessica Simpson – lost 30 kg

Having given birth to two children less than a year apart, Jessica Simpson first demonstrated incredible weight gain and then amazing weight loss. In an interview, the star admitted that during both pregnancies she did not deny herself anything and overeat from the heart, which led to a set of more than a dozen extra pounds.

Jessica Simpson Weight Loss Story
Jessica Simpson Weight Loss Story

How Jessica Simpson lost weight

Jessica followed the same path as Jennifer Hudson – the Weight Watchers program and the Harley Pasternak training. Jessica ate lots of fresh vegetables, protein foods, drinking protein shakes, and lots of smoothies. Diet and physical activity led to the fact that in a few months Jessica Simpson lost 30 kg.

After a few years, the star relaxed and gained weight again, but that’s a completely different story.

Kelly Osbourne – lost 30+ kg

The daughter of the great and terrible Ozzy Osbourne became famous when she was plump and it seemed that she was not worried about extra pounds. As Kelly’s popularity grew, so did the need to fit into Hollywood beauty standards. Osborne pulled herself together and lost more than 30 kg.

Kelly Osbourne Weight loss story
Kelly Osbourne Weight loss story


How Kelly Osbourne lost weight

Kelly revisited her view of nutrition, moving all junk food into the morning. She used the Reverse Diet and the Mushroom Diet.

Physical activity played a major role in Kelly Osbourne’s weight loss: every day she did interval cardio for half an hour and always do something else as a supplement – strength workout, Pilates, or yoga.

Sara Ryu – lost 25 kg

Celebrity from the American sitcom “Klava, Come On!” she became famous when she was already curvaceous forms, and this did not stop the smiling and charismatic girl from acquiring millions of fans. However, one day, just before her wedding, Sarah decided to transform herself in order to look great in a wedding dress, as many girls dream.

Sara Ryu lost weight story
Sara Ryu – lost 25 kg

How Sara Ryu lost weight

For a systematic and healthy weight loss, Sara began to eat healthy foods and control portion sizes. She also did cardio 5-6 times a week. At the beginning of her weight loss, she used a pedometer, walking at least 10,000 steps a day, then switched to running.

Adhering to the principles of proper nutrition and regularly going in for sports, Sara lost 25 kg in 8 months.

Christina Aguilera – lost 30 kg

Having appeared on the stage in the late 90s, the singer remained a fragile girl for a long time, who, it seemed, was not afraid of being overweight. However, having gone through the birth of children, and exhausting divorce, the death of her father, and a crisis in her career, the singer gained about 30 extra pounds, shocking fans who saw her changed figure in the fall of 2012. But the singer was able to pull herself together and lose weight.

Christina Aguilera Weight Loss Story
Christina Aguilera Weight Loss Story

How Christina Aguilera lost weight


To lose weight, Christina switched to a low-calorie diet and did yoga daily. Less than a year later, Aguilera began to appear on the red carpet in the same image – slim and fit.

Tyra Lynne Banks – lost 15 kg

The American supermodel and host of the reality show “America’s Next Top Model” in 2015 appeared in an unexpected weight for herself, clearly exceeding the norm by 12-15 extra pounds. Tyra’s main motivation for losing weight was her health and the fact that she disappointed her fans. It took the model about a year to regain the normal weight.

Tyra Banks Weight Loss Story
Tyra Banks Weight Loss Story

How Tyra Banks lost weight

To return to its former shape, Tyra began to eat according to the principle of the paleo diet, which in the USA is often called the Paleozoic or Paleolithic. It is based on the consumption of natural unprocessed food, close to the one that our ancestors ate. That is a complete rejection of industrial products (sausages, canned food, and even cereals). The basis of the diet: lean meat, fruits and vegetables, healthy fats from avocados, fish, vegetable oils.

The model also hired a trainer with whom she did both cardio and strength training, including interval cardio and circuit training.

Charlotte Crosby – lost 20 kg

British television star Charlotte Crosby lost weight in front of the fans and together with them, sharing in detail her plans and successes on her Instagram account. For 7 months, Charlotte lost almost 20 kg.

Charlotte Crosby Weight Loss Story
Charlotte Crosby Weight Loss Story

How Charlotte Crosby lost weight

To lose those extra pounds, Charlotte went on a low-fat diet. She could not start training in the gym, because she was embarrassed by the people who were looking at her. But Crosby was helped by a personal trainer, classes with whom transformed the body of a girl who got rid of 19 kg and 4 sizes.

Vicky Pattison – lost 25 kg

Reality TV colleague Charlotte Crosby also made her way to an ideal body from a heavy “pear” figure with extra pounds, cellulite, and belly fat.

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Vicky Pattison weight lost Story
Vicky Pattison weight loss Story

How Vicki Pattison lost weight


Vicki lost 25 kg thanks to a balanced diet and exercise. Vicki’s menu is based on low-carb, high-protein foods, and cutting back on alcohol from fast food. Pattison went to the gym 5-6 times a week, doing cardio and strength training for 2 hours.

Scarlett Moffat – lost 20+ kg

The star of the British TV show Scarlett Moffat has lost more than 20 kg and has completely transformed. She decided to lose weight after the doctor scared her, warning her about the possibility of developing diabetes and obesity and diets with a high content of sweet and fatty foods.

Scarlett Moffat Lose Weight Story
Scarlett Moffat Lose Weight Story

How Scarlett Moffat lost weight

Scarlett went on a diet of no more than 1,400 calories per day, and several times a week she did a special program that involved high-intensity training with strength training with her own weight. Among the exercises were the well-known oblique twists, ab crunch, lunges, squats, planks, running, and jumping in place.

The Moffat diet was based on vegetable salads, egg dishes, fish (salmon and tuna), chicken, turkey, vegetable soups, nuts, and dried fruits.

Lisa Riley – lost 70+ kg

British TV presenter and actress Lisa Riley have lost more than 70 kg in 18 months (1.5 years). Naturally, such as weight loss, especially at the age of 40, could not go unnoticed for the skin, which hung in ugly bags all over the body. Lisa had to undergo skin tightening surgery, which significantly improved her overall condition and appearance.

Lisa Riley lost weight story
Lisa Riley – lost 70+ kg

How Lisa Riley lost weight

Lisa noted that she did not follow any specific diet, but focused on changing her lifestyle, eating habits and began to move more. She got up at 6 am, then took a 40-minute walk, and in the evening did Zumba or yoga. After 6 pm she did not eat and completely gave up alcohol and chips, which she had previously consumed in large quantities.

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Josie Gibson – lost 40 kg

The Big Brother winner showed up on the reality show in June 2010 at a size of 14, but the sedentary lifestyle and overeating were negative. By August, the girl was size 18. In December 2010, she hired a personal trainer and successfully shed nearly 20 extra pounds. But after she injured her leg and was unable to exercise, she returned to her former sedentary lifestyle with overeating and gained, even more, reaching the British size 20.

Josie Gibson Weight Loss Story
How Josie Gibson Lost Weight

How Josie Gibson lost weight


The “pear” body type distributed excess weight in such a way that Josie had immense hips and buttocks, a loose body with a lot of cellulite. Josie suffered from the fact that she could no longer wear beautiful clothes and a swimsuit, became overgrown with complexes, and finally, hired a personal trainer again and went on a diet. Over the course of the year, Josie Gibson lost weight from size 20 to size 8, dropping almost 40 kilograms (84 lbs = 38.1 kg).

Josie’s diet was high in protein and low in fat and carbohydrates. She replaced all junk food with healthy snacks from vegetables, fruits, nuts. The coach put together a 20-minute program for Gibson, which included interval cardio and circuit training. She doing workouts 4 days a week.

Chris Pratt – lost 30 kg

The “Marvel” celebrity could never have become an on-screen superhero and the idol of millions if he had not gotten rid of extra pounds and created a dream body with prominent muscles.

Chris Pratt lost weight stoty
Chris Pratt – lost 30 kg

How Chris Pratt lost weight

Pratt consumed 4,000 calories daily, drank a lot of water, and gave up alcohol. The actor’s workouts included the P90X program, running, swimming, boxing, kickboxing, and even triathlon. In 6 months, Chris Pratt lost 30 kg, the process of losing weight and gaining muscle mass took place under the supervision of personal trainer Duffy Gaver and nutritionist Philip Goglia.

John Goodman – lost 50 kg

John Goodman in most films was remembered precisely for the images of a good-natured fat man, and a lot of weight seemed to be an integral part of the actor’s texture. However, in 2016, Goodman, who had already turned 64 at the time, took up his health.

John Goodman lost weight story
John Goodman – lost 50 kg

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How John Goodman lost weight

The actor ditched red meat and high-carbohydrate foods and switched to fish, poultry, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, Greek yogurt, unsweetened berries, and fruits. which helped him lower his blood sugar.

John Goodman trained under the supervision of a famous celebrity trainer. Every day he had to walk at least 10,000 steps and work out in the gym 3 times a week, loading the muscles of the whole body. In less than a year, John Goodman has lost almost 50 kilograms (100 pounds = 45.3 kg).

Renee Zellweger – lost 15 kg

Gaining weight for the role of Bridget Jones, and then getting rid of those extra pounds, have become the talk of the town over the years. Everyone seems to know how Hollywood stars went through this.

How Renee Zellweger weight lost story
Renee Zellweger – lost 15 kg

How Renee Zellweger lost weight

To lose the pounds she gained for the role (30 pounds (14 kg) for the first part and 25 pounds (12 kg) for the second), Renee went on the Atkins diet, which is based on high protein content and a reduction to the complete elimination of complex carbohydrates and saturated fats. The actress also ran a lot, which allowed her to get back in shape rather quickly.


The shooting of the first film about Bridget Jones took place in the summer of 2000, and the picture itself was released in the spring of 2001. In December 2001, filming began for the musical Chicago, starring Renee and Catherine Zeta-Jones. And the shape that Zellweger has come to is simply amazing.

Christian Bale – lost 30 kg

Christian Bale is a true Hollywood veteran of weight gain and weight loss for roles.

In 2003, for the filming of “The Machinist”, the actor lost 30 kg, exhausting himself to a weight of 55 kg with a diet of apples and cans of tuna per day. Filming took place in the summer of 2003, and in March 2004, Bale began work on the film “Batman Begins”, for which he urgently had to build muscle mass. After switching to a high-protein diet and intense strength training, Bale gained more than 40 kg, but, ironically, director Christopher Nolan found his shape excessive, and he asked the actor to lose about 10 kg.

Weight loss stories of celebrity Christian Bale
Weight loss stories of celebrity Christian Bale

Weight loss stories of celebrity Christian Bale – weight gain and weight loss

In July 2009, Bale began filming the drama The Fighter, in which he played a drug addict. For the role, he again needed to bring his body to unhealthy thinness. The result was worth it – the role brought the actor an Oscar. In February 2011, the actor received the gold statuette in his normal weight.

Christian Bale Weight Loss Story
Christian Bale in the movie The Fighter (filming 2009) and The American Hustle (filming 2013)

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Christian Bale in The Fighter (filming 2009) and American Hustle (filming 2013)
In 2013, for the role in the movie “American Hustle”, Bale gained weight again, but not with muscles, but with fat and an impressive belly. From 83-85 kg, Bale recovered to 105, in which he was helped by the absorption of countless sweet donuts and other unhealthy fast food. On the red carpet a year later, Christian Bale was back at his normal weight.

In the fall of 2017, a photo of a battered middle-aged man with a clearly overweight scattered across the network. In these pictures, fans barely recognized Bale, who was working on a new role – American politician Dick Cheney. When asked about weight gain this time, the actor replied that he ate a lot of flour products.

Jared Leto – gained 30 kg, lost weight up to 50 kg

For the role of the killer John Lennon in the movie “Chapter 27,” Jared Leto needed to gain about 30 kg of excess weight. The film was filmed in 2006, was released in January 2007, and already in June, filming began for the film “Mister Nobody”, to which Jared began already at his normal weight, having acquired a slender shape. The actor lost weight within a year, and, in his own words, he would never repeat the experience of such weight gain again, because it shook his health.

Jared Leto - gained 30 kg, lost weight up to 50 kg
Jared Leto – gained 30 kg, lost weight up to 50 kg


Weight loss stories of stars Jared Leto 

In November 2012, filming began for The Dallas Buyers Club, in which Leto played the role of a transgender AIDS patient. For the role, he had to lose weight up to 50 kg. The actor said that for such a weight loss, he simply refused to eat. The sacrifices were worth it – the role brought Jared an Oscar.

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