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How to Build Wide Back


How to Build Wide Back, Technique perform
How to Build Wide Back, Technique perform


We combine three highly effective lifting techniques for a quick wide back workout that delivers big-time results.

This back workout is unique because it combines high volume training with heavy strength training by utilizing a ladder protocol. Ladders are done by coordinating the repetitions you are performing with the amount of weight you’re lifting. For example, when you are lifting a heavy weight, the repetitions are low. As you increase the repetitions for each progressive set, you will continue lowering the weight – all while minimizing the amount of rest you have between sets.

This is the perfect storm for building muscle – a longer time under tension, greater mechanical tension, and massive metabolic disruption.

What Muscles Does Work? 

The broadest. They are responsible for bringing the shoulder (arms) to the torso. In the basic version (with a narrow stance of the arms) of performing this traction, the lower part of the lats muscles receives most of the load.
In addition to the back, the muscles of the arms are actively involved.

  • Biceps. Not many people know, but it is the narrow grip row that is the basic exercise for the biceps brachii. Therefore, when performing, it is necessary to focus on the work of the broadest muscles, so that the movement occurs due to their contraction. It will be difficult for beginners to do this. Therefore, at the initial stage, it is better not to use a narrow grip in the back workout.
    There are also minor muscle groups that act as assistants for the main ones.
  • Rear delta. Works more with a wide grip. Helps to move the hand back.
  • Trapezium. It’s the middle part. Responsible for the movement of the shoulder blades.
  • Rhomboid muscles. But the load on them is minimal. They are responsible for the stabilization of the blades.
  • Large and small round. Helps lats bring shoulders to the torso.


The lat pulldown is a basic upper body strength exercise that targets the upper wide back. The exercise also improves stability in the lower back and core.

How to Do Wide Back - Lat PullDown
How to Do Lat PullDown


  • Sit at a lat pulldown station and grab the bar with an overhand grip that’s just beyond shoulder width. Your arms should be completely straight and your torso upright.
  • Pull your shoulder blades down and back, and bring the bar to your chest. Pause, then slowly return to the starting position.


The T-bar row is a multi-joint exercise for the wide back, that increases strength throughout the upper body with an emphasis on the back and shoulders. The T-bar targets the middle of the back by positioning the resistance through the center of the body.

How to Do T-Bar Row
How to Do T-Bar Row



  • Load one end of a barbell. Straddle the barbell and push your hips back until your back is at a 45-degree angle to the floor. Extend both arms downward and hook the V-handle under the bar and grab it with both hands.
  • Squeeze your shoulder blades together and drive your elbows back, pulling the bar up toward your chest. Pause and return to starting position.

| Read also How to Do T-BAR Row Exercise

3. Face Pulls

The face pull to the neck with external rotation increases strength and stability throughout the entire shoulder region. This exercise particularly targets the front and rear regions of the shoulders, also train wide back.

How to Do Face Pulls
How to Do Face Pulls Technique perform
  • Sit at a cable station and grab each side of the rope attachment with palms facing each other. Sit back and allow the weight to slightly pull your shoulders forward. Keep the arms straight (parallel to the floor) so you feel the tension in the cable.
  • With the upper body stationary and chest elevated, pull the rope towards your nose. As the rope approaches your nose, externally rotate arms at the elbow so your knuckles are facing the ceiling at the end position. Return the weight by fully extending the arms back to the starting position.

| Read more How to Face Pulls Technique perform & Video Guide

Major mistakes

  • Working with huge weights

It is worth noting again that the exercises are not basic. Therefore, you should not set power records when performing them. Yes, undoubtedly, back exercises require the athlete to constantly increase the working weight. But you have to do it gradually, using the right technique. Only then can you get the result. If you just mindlessly lift large weights for which you are not yet physically ready. Then only injuries await you in the future.

  • Lumbar rounding

This error can result in serious spinal injury. To prevent it, you must immediately adopt the correct technique in any of the exercises. If we bend our legs a little and move the pelvis back, our lower back will automatically bend. Also, rounding can be caused by too much weight. Which will pull us forward or downward, it all depends on the variant of the exercise. Watch your technique, this is a guarantee of growth and progress in both muscle growth and weight.


Perform these wide backexercises alternating with pectoral or shoulder workouts. Change your training program about once every 1 month.

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