How to Endurance Training: Types, Exercises

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How to Endurance Training

How to Do Endurance Training

The body’s endurance involves pumped-up muscles and the ability to withstand physical activity for a long time. For those interested in how to increase the body’s overall endurance, the material provides key rules and exercises for regular performance.

Types of Endurance

If we compare two athletes: one who presses 50 kg from the chest and a long-distance runner? Will they be able to perform well if they are swapped, and why?

Everything is simple: aerobic endurance is your heart, how much it is used to working at its maximum, such is your aerobic endurance. The good news: our heart is a muscle that can be trained perfectly, and the key to health in old age is an active lifestyle. The bad news is that this stamina is very easy to lose; professional athletes know how even a week’s vacation affects their form and performance.

With anaerobic it is more difficult. To develop muscle strength, which makes it possible to lift heavy weights, you need to load it in portions, but to the limit and in a short period. If the runner distributes his forces over the entire long distance, then the weightlifter is given every time, like the last, his work is like a volcano, explosions and impulses.

If at each workout you do at least a little more than the previous one, your endurance will constantly increase, and what it is depends on the nature of the load.

Before you start increasing an athlete’s endurance, you need to understand what types of endurance exist:

  • Cardiovascular – ensures long-term functioning of the heart and blood vessels during increased physical activity. This requires cardio training: walking, running, jumping rope, cycling;
  • Muscular – depends on the number of continuous contractions of muscles and their groups. For training, multiple repetitions of exercises are necessary: ​​squats, pull-ups, and twisting.
    Certain factors should be considered to understand how to increase muscle endurance:

The body’s ability to absorb oxygen and remove carbon dioxide as much as possible. This factor depends on lung volume and gas exchange rate;

Blood flow abilities: total blood volume, hemoglobin concentration, blood circulation speed;
the ability of the circulatory system to remove carbon dioxide from muscles.

Types of Exercises to Improve Endurance

Before you start training, you need to choose the appropriate training equipment, and an online store gearforfit is perfect for this.

Trainers and instructors recommend how to increase overall endurance in a short time. To do this, you should perform certain types of exercises:

  1. Aerobic exercise – allows you to strengthen the heart muscles, blood vessels, get rid of excess body weight, preserve muscles and normalize lung function. Running and
  2. Swimming are the main areas of such loads;
    speed training – aimed at repeating exercises at the highest possible speed;
  3. Circuit training – performed even at home in several cycles. You should follow the recommendations of your personal trainer; 4-8 cycles of repetitions are possible per workout with a gradual increase in intensity;
  4. Special – help develop a certain muscle ability. Mostly such loads are recommended for professional athletes in a certain sport that requires the endurance of a specific muscle group.

When figuring out how to effectively and quickly increase endurance, you need to understand that this is necessary not only for athletes but also for ordinary people, since it is extremely useful for maintaining health. Thus, in the process of aerobic exercise, the saturation of the body with oxygen increases, as a result of which carbohydrates are broken down and excess body weight is lost. Blood flow to all organs and muscles also increases, and overall tone increases.

Trainers and physical activity instructors develop individual programs on how to effectively increase the overall endurance of the body, creating sets of exercises from different groups. Thanks to a competent combination of loads, you can develop strength and endurance in a complex. Due to the active work of the cardiovascular system, all organs are supplied with oxygen, the respiratory system begins to work more efficiently.

Aerobic Workout

Many of us have heard that aerobic exercise is good for the heart, which is why it is called cardio exercise. But at the same time, the first thing a person does when he decides to lose weight is start running and gets very upset when this doesn’t happen. Therefore, let us remind you once again: the main thing in losing weight is the calorie deficit; how you achieve it is up to you. But remember: 1500 kcal, where Snickers, cola and hotdog, and 1500 kcal of cereals, seafood and vegetables, give completely different body quality.

Aerobic endurance allows you to perform low-power work for long periods of time and resist fatigue.

The time you devote to developing such endurance is very important, i.e. its quantity, while anaerobic requires quality from you. 15 minutes on an orbit track or treadmill can be considered a regular warm-up; real training begins only after 40 minutes of such continuous exercise.

Anaerobic Workout

Just as the brain needs a certain amount of stress, a way out of its comfort zone to build new neural connections, so do muscles to grow and develop strength.

The best ways to train anaerobic endurance are: interval training, weight lifting, weightlifting, any type of sprint distance (running, cycling), push-ups, steep hill climbs.

Anaerobic training is characterized by periodization of the load (constant muscle work lasts less than 3-5 minutes, after which rest is required). In anaerobic training, sets are distinguished – a short period of time during which high-intensity work is carried out with heavy weights.

The Best Exercises for Body Endurance

Experts recommend how to increase body endurance by performing different types of exercise. Let’s look at the best workouts to help bring your body back to normal and achieve maximum endurance:

  1. Run. For better recovery of the body, it is recommended to run every other day. You should start training at a slow pace, gradually increasing it, and you also need to increase the duration of training. If the body is not prepared for such loads, you can start with fast walking, watching your breathing.
  2. Jumping rope. This method of increasing endurance is useful for reducing muscle tension. You can start with 15 minutes, alternating legs and gradually increasing the time. As a result, fat is quickly burned, the functioning of the cardiovascular system is normalized, and almost all the muscles of the legs, buttocks, and abs are trained.
  3. Squats are characterized by similar efficiency to running. Following the recommendations of experts on how to significantly increase overall endurance, you can squat on two legs, and then complicate the exercise and perform a pistol squat on one leg with the other extended.
  4. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar. You need to perform as many approaches as you can stand, then repeat the approach. To achieve maximum effect and quality of performance, you need to pull yourself up with a straight body and extended legs, and you also need to monitor the correct breathing.
  5. Pushups. You should perform 1-5 approaches daily with proper breathing – inhale while moving down and exhale when moving up.
    Exercises for the abdominal muscles. You can train on the floor or on a gymnastic bench; to increase efficiency, the exercises are performed with twisting.
  6. Cycling. The advantage of this sport is its accessibility for people with excess body weight, since the load on the knees and feet is reduced, such work helps to quickly lose extra pounds.
  7. Swimming and water aerobics. To train endurance, you need to train in a pool or natural body of water; it is important to swim long distances, which helps train the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.


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