🔥Before and After Pictures Exercises

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✅ Ever since dresses with sheer side paneling first swarmed the red carpets, the side butt has been the new butt-butt.

✅ Give the area some beautiful definition with the moves below, designed and demonstrated by fitness trainer, health coach, and fitness model. You’ll want to complete up to three sets of 15 reps of each move on each side.


🚨 3 Easy Booty Workout At-Home

Booty workout At-Home
Booty workout At-Home

1. Curtsy Lunges

Curtsy Lunges
Curtsy Lunges

How to do it:  Start with your feet about shoulders-width apart. With your left foot, step diagonally backward and behind your right foot. Keeping your shoulders over your hips, bend both knees about 90 degrees to lower down toward the floor. Press into your right heel as you extend both knees to return to standing position. Repeat on the opposite side to complete one rep, and continue to alternate.


2. Prisoner Squats

Prisoner Squats
Prisoner Squats

How to do them:  Stand with your feet about hips-width apart, and your hands near your ears with the elbows bent and out to the sides. Keeping your knees behind your toes, bend your knees to lower your torso straight down to the floor until your thighs are parallel to the ground. From this position, press up through your heels and straighten your legs to come back up to starting position. That’s one rep.





3. Sprinter Knee Raises 

Sprinter Knee Raises 
Sprinter Knee Raises 

How to do them: Stand with your feet about hips-width apart and both elbows bent. Keeping your shoulders over your hips, take a large step backward with your right foot and bend both knees to lower into a reverse lunge. At the same time, drive your right hand up to eye-level (for balance) and swing your left arm behind you. Next, press into your left heel as you extend both legs and drive your right knee up to hips-height, raising your left hand and swinging your right one behind you. That’s one rep. Complete all your reps on one side, then repeat just as many standing on the opposite leg.

4. Side Step-Up and Kick

Side Step-Up and Kick
Side Step-Up and Kick

How to do them: Start in a wide stance with your left foot elevated on a low box or step, and hands together near your chin. Keeping your knees behind your toes and your shoulders over your hips, bend both knees to sit back into a squat. From this position, extend both knees and press into your left heel as you shift your weight onto the left foot, lifting your right foot off the ground so you’re standing one-legged on top of the box. With control, raise your right leg out to the side as high as you can without leaning to the left, which will make the move less useful for your butt. Release the leg and come back to starting position (the wide stance) to complete one rep. Complete all your reps standing on the box with your left leg, then switch sides and complete the same number.


booty exercises
booty exercises
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