since 1/1/16! At 25 years old & 485lbs I had hit my rockbottom.
I knew that if I didnt take control of my health I may not live to see my 30th birthday and I would die at a young age. I knew that if I didnt take control of my health I would end up with conditions that came along with obesity such as diabetes, heart disease, or even sleep apnea – if I didnt already have those conditions. I knew if I didnt take control of my health and fight back my life would never magically change. I knew I was in charge of saving my life & changing my future. So I stood up and I fought one hell of a battle to win the war. There is no magic pill to change your life and you are in control of your future. Don’t wait until the New Year to change your life – start today!
Fedup & ready to start 2018 fighting back for your health? Next dietbet starts 1/7/18! I joined my first dietbet in January 2016 when I started my journey & it helped me change my life! Time to change yours too & make those resolutions stick! Lose weight, share tips/recipes, giveaways including fedup tees