☑️ “If you want to build muscle, you have to train between 6-12 reps, below that rep range, you only build strength and above that you ultimately build endurance.”
We’r found out that you can build muscle from a broad spectrum of loading ranges when volume is equated (sets x reps x load), you’re training close to failure (leaving 1-3 reps in the tank) and are using a weight that is at least 30% of your 1RM.
This definitely changes our perspective on how you can structure your traininig program to build those hard-rock solid muscle.
📌Four and five day muscle building workouts are much more complicated than two and three day workouts. There are far more possibilities, and combined with the complexities of exercise selection, you are left with a substantial number of training variations. Because of the numerous amount of variations, these sections will not list sample workouts. Instead, you will be provided with popular split variations.
📌A commonly asked question is: which split or workout is the most effective? Many natural lifters will respond best to working out only 3-4 days per week. Never try a 5 (or 6) day split before you have put in some time with a 3 or 4 day split, and have gained an understanding as to how your body responds to that amount of training volume. But to answer the original question, there is no magicsplit.
🚨 Pick a workout that motivates you to train, and stick with it. Never jump around from workout to workout. It takes time to learn your body and its limits. Jumping around each week will limit your progress.