Amazing body changes

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Amazing body changes!

Amazing body changes

January 10th.
   It’s a special day to me.
Today marks the 3 year anniversary of my journey.

      3 years ago today, I decided to fight for me.
A lot of people asked what made me start. There was a local event that I really wanted to attend with my husband.

But I couldn’t go because it involved being on my feet, outdoors, for a few hours. I knew I couldn’t handle it, so I stayed home. I realized then that I was missing out on so much because of my weight.
I also started realizing how much my mental health had been suffering. I felt like I lived in a constant state of anxiety.

      I went through depressive spells. Multiple times I contemplated suicide. I’d think about how & when I’d do it. It’s scary to think about now, because I know how close I was to the end.

      January 10th 2015 was the day I decided to take control. I decided to chose life.
I started my journey by playing Wii Fit in my living room. Everyone begins somewhere & that’s what I could do at the time.

      (START WHERE YOU ARE, DO WHAT YOU CAN!) I started being more accountable for what I was fueling my body with & started tracking with MyFitnessPal.
I look at my before picture taken 3 years ago. It brings me to tears. I remember how hopeless I felt. I stand here now, stronger & happier than I’ve felt in my whole life.
I made this account 100% for me. To keep me accountable. But in sharing my journey, I hope I can have had an impact on even just one person.

    Thank you for following my journey. Thank you for your love, your support, everything. I’m so thankful for this little community & the people it has brought into my life. ❤️
I’m no one special, just a gal who decided to go for it.
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