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Based Shoulder Workout for Mass and Symmetry
Exercise refers to the class of isolating with the type of force pull (pull) and has its main purpose to study the back beam deltas.
The muscular ensemble includes the following units:
- Targeting – the rear delta;
- synergists – subacute, small round, trapezium (lower / middle), rhomboid;
- stabilizers – triceps, extensors of the wrist;
Exercise rules Front Deltas
– In addition to the classic version of the dilution of hands in the simulator, there are several variations:
Rope pull in the lying simulator
To get the most out of the exercise, follow these guidelines:
- Perform the exercise by the force of the rear deltas / back, not hands, and for this, imagine that you are not raising the arms, but the elbows;
- To maximally include the rear beams deltas, try to get your elbows behind your back;
- During the exercise, do not lower your elbows, but keep them at shoulder level;
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