before and after weight loss photos

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Disclaimer: it’s not easy to put these personal photos out there. But I hope I can inspire someone out there. It has been far from easy but….
before and after weight loss photos

I started university in 2015 a size 6-8 (10 in some clothing). In December 2015 I decided to gain some weight and reach a full size 10. However, I didn’t go about it the right way, before I knew it I had gained a ridiculous amount of weight. It has been so hard to lose it since. I am now 110% serious, hence why I made this page.

I took this picture on the first day of the year (I had lost some weight prior to this pic but I put it back on, plus more over the Christmas period).

My journey properly started on the 22/01/2018 when I came back to uni from the Christmas break. Although I was going to the gym, I didn’t eat that well over the Christmas break, as you would imagine. But once I moved back to uni, I began meal prepping properly, eating right, portion control and I have had cheat meals. So seeing the progress I have made in 4 weeks. I am very happy with myself.

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