While TUT (Time Under Tension) alone is overrated for hypertrophy, here are a few reasons why performing the exercise with cables might be a better idea.
First of all, I gotta say that both will work just fine, but for many reason I’d much rather advice using cables than dumbbells for this particular exercise, if I’d have to pick one: –
Because of the gravity force acting perpendicularly on us, the tension of the pecs will peak at around mid ROM, decreasing as we move our arms up.
Asides from this, when our arms are semi-extended at the bottom half of the exercise, gravity will apply force on our shoulders where these are in a much more vulnerable position and when the moment arm is as it maximum, increasing the risk of shoulder injury.
On the other hand, when performing it with cables, gravity won’t be an issue because the cable will provide pulling tension throughout the entire ROM, even increasing it, while not increasing the stress on the shoulder joint.
While I personally always prefer using free weights, there are always cases in which one variation could potentially better than the other.