Squat Snatch – Technique, Muscles Worked
The snatch is a common movement seen in Olympic weightlifting, CrossFit, sports performance training, and fitness. Depending on the coaching background, the term snatch, squat snatch, full snatch, and power snatch may or may not be clear to some athletes/lifters. Therefore, in this article will clarify what exactly a squat snatch is, and how it differs from power snatches (and the snatch/full snatch).
While the snatch typically implies that a lifter is receiving the barbell in the full squat position, some coaches and athletes will also refer to this term as the “squat snatch” or full snatch. The squat snatch is no different than a snatch, however some functional fitness WODs will add “squat” to clarify. Below is an exercise demonstration of a full snatch, also know as a squat snatch.
Warm Up:
- Jog 5-10 minutes
- 75 Jumping Jacks
3 Rounds:
- 21 Kettle Bell Swings
- 15 Push-ups
Work on:
- Squat Snatch
Increased Pulling Strength (Power Snatch) 
The power snatch requires a lifter to move the barbell higher (via pulling strength and increased power output), as the lifter cannot shorten the distance it must travel by simply squatting lower to receive it (at a lower point). By designating that a lifter must power the movement, you force them to be more aggressive in the pulling phases of the lift.
How to Program the Squat Snatch vs the Power Snatch
Generally speaking, Olympic weightlifters will refer to these two movements as simply the snatch (entails a lifter to perform a snatch into the full squatted position) and the power snatch. The power snatch would be used to bring about the differences discussed above and/or to allow for higher amounts of power production without having to have increased load (as most trained weightlifters cannot power snatch as much as they can snatch into the full squat).
For general fitness training and some WODs, the squat snatch term may be used to fully clarify to a lifter that he/she cannot power snatch within the workout, which obviously will increase the technique and lower body demands of that session.