This woman lose weight 10 kg 1 month!

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This woman lose weight 10 kg 1 month

This woman lose weight 10 kg 1 month!

I may not like where I am at right now.

I would like to lose some body fat 100% for sure.

But you cannot deny the work that has been put in.

The work on my nutrition. The work put in at the gym, which wasn’t as easy at the beginning as it is now.
I made a choice a couple years ago to take back control of my body and my health.
I then made a choice to help others do the same.
After a very rough summer, I can feel myself coming back around. I feel more like ME.

Yes I struggle with depression. Yes I am now on seizure medication for the rest of my life.
However, as I am getting adjusted to these meds, the fog is lifting. I can feel the bloat disappearing. I know longer have a different view if my body when I look in the mirror VS what my head is telling me. The treat meals are back to doing their job and keeping me satisfied, rather than sending me into a spiral of binging and feeling crappy.
Not only am I getting back to being kind to myself, my clients are noticing a difference in me again as well. I have heard a few different times, in the last 2 days(that’s when it really started to turn around) that I seem much more like myself.

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