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✅ Let’s build some thick upper pecs! Incline chest presses create mass and build strength in your upper and middle pectoral muscles, plus, your front deltoids get some rowdy action in the process. ✅ If you’re looking to develop the upper part of your pectoral muscles and build well-rounded pecs like Arnold’s, you need to get under the Smith machine and do an incline chest press.


Incline Chest Press
Incline Chest Press

✅ How To Do The Incline Chest Press:


  1. Position an adjustable incline bench under the Smith machine bar.
  2. Set the incline bench to a 30 to 45 degree angle.
  3. Load the weights on the Smith machine.
  4. Sit back into the incline bench. Make sure the bar lines up with the top of your chest.
  5. Grab the bar slightly wider than shoulder-width apart using an overhand grip. Your palms will be facing away from you.
  6. Plant your feet firmly on the floor.
  7. Release the safety bars and position the bar above your chest with your arms fully extended.
  8. Begin by lowering the bar in a controlled manner. Allow the bar to barely touch your chest, pause, and then begin pressing the bar back up in the same controlled manner.
  9. Don’t lock your elbows out before beginning the next rep.

 ✅ Trainer Tips:

Keep your repetitions slow and controlled. There’s no reason for the Smith machine to sound like a roller coaster with speeding cars on it. Keep a cadence of 3/3/0 and allow yourself to feel those pecs working.

🚨 Flat Bench Dumbbell Fly


Flat Dumbbell Flyes
Flat Dumbbell Flyes

✅ Instructions

  • This movement is performed on a flat bench. When you are in position, place your feet flat on the ground for balance and to avoid injury to lower back.
  • Grasp a dumbbell in each hand. Start with the dumbbells together directly above your chest. Your elbows should be slightly bent, and your palms facing each other.
  • Carefully – simultaneously, lower the weights down to either sides of your body. You will feel a stretch in the outer pectorals. Keep your palms facing inward and maintain a slight bend in the elbows. Once the dumbbells are parallel with the bench, pause.
  • Hold and contract for 1-2 seconds, then raise your arms back to the top following the same arc.


✅ Tips

  • Use light weight and a controlled range of motion.

🚨 How to Do a Seated Chest Press

  • Targets: Pectoral muscles
  • Equipment Needed: Chest press machine
  • Level: Beginner
The seated chest press machine is an upright version of the standard lying bench press machine. The arms, placed under a weight-bearing load, are pushed away from the chest and returned to starting position. The chest press helps build the pectoral muscles as well as the biceps, deltoids, and latissimus dorsi muscles.
How to Do a Seated Chest Press
How to Do a Seated Chest Press


✅ Benefits

This exercise targets the main muscle of the chest, the pectorals. Developing the pecs is an aesthetic goal for many people. It is also functional in developing strength and power for sports where you swing a bat, racket, or club. The chest press machine also recruits the biceps and the big muscles of the shoulders and back. Using a machine helps prevent many errors of form. You can adjust the seat and handles so they are in the correct position for your body. Using a machine, you are able to lift heavier weights with more control.

✅ HOW TO: 

  1. Sit comfortably on the machine with your feet placed firmly on the floor about shoulder-width apart. If this is your first time using the machine, place a lighter load on the weight carriage. If your machine has an adjustable seat height, ensure that the setting allows your arms to push at a horizontal position to the ground when your arms are fully extended.
  2. Grasp the handles with a full grip, thumb circled around the handle, and maintain a neutral wrist position with your wrists in line with your forearms.
  3. Push the bars outward to full extension but without locking out the elbow, exhaling as you press out. Keep your head steady against the upright pad and your neck still. You should feel significant resistance against the horizontal push.
  4. Pause briefly at full extension, then allow the bars to return toward your chest and breathe in during this recovery.
  5. Repeat for as many repetitions as called for in your program. Try different weights until you are able to push and release slowly for about 10 repetitions. The last repetition should always feel a bit difficult.
  6. Try three sets of 10 reps. Start with less if you have to, always listening to your body to avoid injury. Rest for a few minutes between sets.
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