сalories Burnt per one Hour of Aerobic Exercise

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calories Burnt per one Hour of Aerobic Exercise

Calories Burnt per one Hour of Aerobic Exercise

Okay, let’s just go ahead and acknowledge that this will massively vary from person to person based on a whole slew of genetic factors.
These numbers are an AVERAGE at best. Having said that, these are the six most common methods of regular aerobic exercise and the calories that are burned on AVERAGE per one hour.

1⃣ Walking ~ 300-400 calories per hour.
2⃣ Running ~ 600 calories per hour.
3⃣ Cycling ~ 600 calories per hour.
4⃣ Swimming ~ 600 calories per hour.
5⃣ Rowing ~ 840 calories per hour.
6⃣ Jump roping ~ 1000 calories per hour.

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