Cable Machine Single-Arm Forearm Curls
1.) Start off setting up a handle on a low pulley cable machine and grabbing the handle with one hand with your elbow rested at your side.
2.) Keeping your body straight, slowly elevate the handle up towards your shoulders, squeezing your forearms and hold for a count.
3.) Return back to the starting position.
4.) Repeat for as many reps and sets as desired.
Dumbbell Single-Arm Reverse Forearm Curls
1.) Start by picking up a dumbbell in each hand while kneeling over a bench.
2.) With your palms facing downwards flex each forearm by lifting and lowering each dumbbell with only your wrist.
3.) Exhale while raising your wrist and hold for a count, feeling a stretch in your forearms.
4.) Inhale while lowering your wrist.
5.) Repeat for the desired amount of reps.
Notes :
– Make sure that your arms do not move during each rep; you are isolating the forearms for this exercise.
Forearm Curls Proper Form
1.) Start by picking up a dumbbell in each hand or one and while kneeling over a bench.
2.) With your palms facing upwards flex each forearm by lifting and lowering the dumbbell with only your wrist.
3.) Exhale while raising your wrist.
4.) Inhale while lowering your wrist.
5.) Repeat for the desired amount of reps and sets.