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5 Ways to Squat
- Target muscle: Quadriceps (Rectus Femoris, Vastus Lateralis, Vastus Medialis, Vastus Intermedius)
- Synergists: Gluteus Maximus, Adductor Magnus, Soleus
- Dynamic stabilizers: Hamstrings, Gastrocnemius
- Important stabilizers (not highlighted): Erector Spinae, Rectus Abdominis, Obliques, Anterior and Lateral Deltoid, Clavicular (Upper) Pectoralis Major, Levator Scapulae
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Starting position
- Load a barbell on a rack at upper-chest height.
- Step under the barbell so that it rests on the back of your shoulders, and grasp the bar at each side.
- Dismount the barbell and step backward carefully. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart and pointing slightly outwards.
- Inhale as you squat down by simultaneously pushing your butt backward and bending your knees forward. Keep your torso upright, and descend at least until your knees are bent at a 90-degree angle.
- Exhale as you push your body back up to the starting position, driving through your heels and keeping your torso upright.
- Repeat.
Starting position
- Place a barbell on a waist-high rack and load it.
- Keeping your elbows tucked in to your sides, scoop the barbell up with the crooks of your elbows, pull it into your body, and cross your wrists over the bar to hold it in place.
- Carefully step backward from the rack and stand with a wide stance, with your knees and feet pointing out diagonally in the same direction.
- Keeping your back straight and body upright, inhale as you squat down until the bar touches your thighs.
- Exhale as you stand back up into the starting position, driving through your heels.
- Repeat.
Starting position
- Place a barbell on the back of your shoulders and hold it at each side.
- Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart.
- Point your toes and knees 30 to 45 degrees out to the sides (i.e. sumo or plié stance).
- Keeping your head up, back straight, and body upright, inhale as you squat by simultaneously flexing your hips and knees, and descend at least until your thighs are parallel with the floor.
- Exhale as you return to a standing position.
- Repeat.
Starting position
- Load a barbell on a rack at upper-chest height.
- Step under the barbell so that it rests on the front of your shoulders and place your fingers under the barbell, with your elbows pointing forward (if you do not have the flexibility to place your fingers under the barbell, you can cross your arms and place your hands on top of the barbell).
- Dismount the barbell and step backward carefully. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart and pointing slightly outward.
- Inhale as you squat down by simultaneously pushing your butt backward and bending your knees forward. Keep your torso upright, and descend at least until your knees are bent at a 90-degree angle.
- Exhale as you push your body back up to the starting position, driving through your heels and keeping your torso upright.
- Repeat.
Starting position
- Place a loaded barbell on the floor.
- Straddle the center of the barbell and stand with your feet shoulder width (or wider) apart. Your feet should be pointing a little out to the sides.
- Squat and grasp the barbell, placing one hand in front of you and the other hand behind you.
- Keeping your chest up and your back straight, stand and lift the barbell between your legs.
- Keeping your chest up and your back straight, inhale as you squat down at least until your knees are bent at a 90-degree angle.
- Exhale as you stand back up to the starting position, driving through your heels.
- Repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions.
- Swap the front and back placements of your hands and repeat the exercise.
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