✅ Blood flow restriction (BFR) training most commonly involves resistance training with love loads of around 20-30% of 1RM , with wraps or cuffs applied around the trained limb, with a perceived tightness of 7 out of 10.
✅ This training style has many interesting effects that seem to cause both strength-related and endurance-related adaptations with very similar changes in muscle sizes when compared to training with heavy loads.
This is very important, because it gives a few very important insights to keep in mind:
1) ✅ It makes it a no-brainer training style for those who want to bring up lagging/weaker body parts.
2) ✅ For people who are coming from an injury and display an underdeveloped limb (see quads & ACL injuries) this can be a valid training method to include in the routine.
🚨 How does it work though? When and how should you use it ?
✅ If you guys want me to talk more about this training method, spam the comment section below and like this post!
✅ Current contraindications include a history of deep-vein thrombosis, pregnancy, varicose veins, high blood pressure, and cardiac disease. Where in any doubt over safety, medical guidance should always be sought.