Indian PushUp (Hindu) – Strengthen the Upper Body, Tips, Benefits

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Hindu or Indian pushup – pumping the upper body

Indian pushup, dandas, or as they are also called Hindu pushup, is a unique exercise that develops not only the power and endurance of the muscles of the upper body, but also helps to improve the flexibility of the spine.

How to Hindu Pushups
How to Do Hindu Pushup Workout


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Reading time: 3 min.

Features Indian Pushup

Indian pushup are an analogue of classical pushup but only come from eastern countries and are now known as an exercise for stretching and training the whole body. Features of the push-up complex:
  • Exercise Indian pushup stimulates the growth of testosterone in men.
  • Productive exercise to reduce the catabolic effect after strength training.
  • Indian push-ups strengthen the ligaments and stretch the muscles of the whole body, since the exercise is taken and in Yoga.
  • Like classic pushup, Indian pushup can be done without sports equipment.

Thanks to the special technique of doing the Indian push-up exercise, this exercise is very effective for training the whole body.
Indian push-ups, also known as Hindi push-ups, are a very effective exercise to combat the so-called training plateau, when progress in training is suspended. Hindi push-ups are perfect for working out all the muscles of the back from the lumbar to the widest back muscles.

The Benefits of Exercise

Indian pushup are very effective for injuries of the back region and can serve as a rehabilitation exercise. The advantages of such push-ups are that they have almost no contraindications to the except:

  • Spinal curvature;
  • If you have signs of hypertension;
  • Recent operations;
  • Various type of hernia;
  • Muscular dystrophy.
Note: Exercise Indian push-ups can increase blood pressure. To avoid increased pressure, follow the proper breathing technique.

Involved muscle push-ups?

Indian pushup or Hindi include almost all the muscles in your body, unlike classic push-ups. Consider which muscles work:

Muscle Groups Load Distribution
Chest Active load
Back Active Load
Abdominal Average load
Legs Mediocre loading
Lumbar muscle / back Stabilizing position


How to Indian-Hindu pushups
How to Do Indian-Hindu pushups exercises


The Right Technique Indian Pushup

Indian push-ups differ from classical ones in their specificity of execution. In this exercise, you will need not only strength but also flexibility. Consider the exercise in more detail:

  1. Begin is a exercises with plank as in classical pushup.
  2. Hands should be narrower than your shoulders.
  3. We perform bending, raise the pelvis and stretch out on the hands, need back is not rounded, tension in the lower back remains throughout the exercise.
  4. Now we begin to lower the pelvis to the floor until it touches it and move whole body need forward.
  5. At the bottom of the exercise we linger on 2 sec.
  6. We begin to return to the starting position of the pushup
Important! Watch your breath while doing the exercise. Inhalation should be when moving forward and deflection of the back, and exhalation – when you return to its original position, before a new approach.


See how to properly perform similar exercises in yoga.

Indian push-ups are suitable as morning exercises and warm-ups. Exercise perfectly stimulates the cardiovascular system thereby giving you vigor for the whole day.

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