Start position:
Take the position in the simulator while sitting. Fix the legs under the rollers with stops to avoid raising the body during operation. Hands lift up and grasp the handle of the block. Capture – straight wide. Fix the natural deflection in the lumbar region. Expose slightly chest, reduction the shoulder blades.
We proceed LAT PULLDOWN to the technique of execution:
- With a powerful effort, pull the crossbar downward, to the lower level of the chest.
At the bottom point, the handle practically touches the chest, while the elbows are directed back, and the shoulder blades are brought together. - Hold for 1-3 seconds.
- Smoothly return to the starting position, that is, lift the handle up.
- Repeat the exercise as many times as you need.
It is recommended to lower the crossbar of the simulator as low as possible. At the bottom point, make sure to pause for a couple of seconds to finish off the broadest and diamond-shaped muscles of the back, and emphasize their relief. But to achieve this effect, the working weight of the unit should not be too large.
Do 3-4 approaches in which there will be about 8-10 repetitions, remember, the technique is an important element in the performance of this exercise