The 8 Best Arnold Schwarzenegger at Home Training, Tips & Benefits

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Arnold Schwarzenegger at Home Training

Arnold Schwarzenegger at home training, and we’ll take a look at 8 of the very best exercises from the greatest man in the world of bodybuilding.

Arnold Schwarzenegger's
At Home training from Arnold Schwarzenegger


Due to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic, which causes COVID-19 coronavirus infection, quarantine has been declared in many countries, gyms and fitness clubs are closed, and people are not recommended to leave their homes unnecessarily.

Seven-time Mr. Olympia winner and former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger posted on his official Instagram page a call to people not to leave the house and shared his home training program, supplementing it with archival photos showing how to perform various exercises at home.

1. Push-ups

push ups - chest workout
Arnold Schwarzenegger – pushups

Hands shoulder-width apart, palms hands look to inwards, back straight. Bend your arms, lowering so that your chest touches the floor, then stretch your arms. Perform 25 to 50 repetitions. The number of approaches – from 2 to 4.

2. Push-ups between chairs

Push-ups between chairs
Arnold Schwarzenegger – chair pushups


You will need two chairs to perform this exercise. Place the chairs a little wider than shoulder-width. Put your feet back slightly. Bend your arms and lower yourself so that your knees touch the floor. Then straighten your arms. Perform 20 to 50 repetitions. The number of approaches – from 2 to 4.

3. Horizontal pull-ups

arnold schwarzenegger -pull ups
Arnold Schwarzenegger horizontal pull-ups

You will need two chairs and a mop to perform this exercise. Place the chairs about one and a half shoulder-width apart and place the mop on the backs of the chairs. Take a horizontal position and hold the mop. The grip should be slightly wider than shoulder-width. Keep your back straight. Tighten up by touching the mop with your chin, then return to the starting position. Perform 30 to 50 repetitions. The number of approaches – from 2 to 4.

| Also read How to Train Chest Arnold Schwarzenegger

4. Abs Twisting

arnold schwarzenegger - Ab Twisting
Arnold Schwarzenegger – Ab Twisting


Twisting, which, in the technique of Arnold Schwarzenegger, are performed with the hands at the waist, and not with his hands behind his head or with his hands on his chest, as is now customary to perform this exercise. Perform 30 to 100 reps. The number of approaches – 3.

5. Reverse Abs Curl

Reverse Abs Curl
Arnold Schwarzenegger abs reverse curl

Starting position lying on the floor, hands under the buttocks, head raised. Lift the bent legs by touching the knees to the chest, then return to the starting position. Perform 25 to 50 repetitions. The number of approaches – 3.

6. Russian Twist

Arnold Schwarzenegger abs russian twist
Arnold Schwarzenegger Ab Russian Twist


You will need a mop to perform this exercise. Put the mop behind your neck, bend over and perform movements with your right hand to your left foot, then your left hand to your right foot. Although this exercise looks rather pointless, it allows the obliques to work well. Perform 25 to 50 repetitions. The number of approaches – 3.

| Read more The 3 Best Favorite Arnold Schwarzenegger - Chest Training 

7. Squats

Arnold Schwarzenegger Perform Squats
Arnold Schwarzenegger Perform Squats

Arnold Schwarzenegger performed squats with narrow legs, arms at the waist, and a book under his heels. Quite an unusual squat technique, but we will not argue with the most famous bodybuilder on the planet. The number of approaches – 3.

8. Calf Raises

Perform Calf Raises - Arnold Schwarzenegger
Perform Calf Raises – Arnold Schwarzenegger

Place the book on the floor, place the toes of one foot on the book, bend the other leg at the knee, and grasp the back of the chair with your hands. Climb up and down. Perform 20 to 50 reps on each leg. The number of approaches – 3.


At the moment, these are all the exercises that Arnold Schwarzenegger shared with his followers. We hope that these exercises, which can be performed at home, will help you stay in shape during the quarantine.


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