To simplify things, you can essentially separate it into three main areas consisting of your lats, middle back, and lower back. These exercises are grouped with the area in which they are primarily intended to hit.
However, most of these exercises will also hit other areas of your back as well. For example, dumbbell rows hit your lats but they will also hit your middle back. Barbell rows will target your middle back but you will also be stimulating your lats. Deadlifts definitely hit your entire back although your lower back does take on a larger role.
When setting up your routine, I recommend incorporating an equal amount of vertical pulling (such as pull-ups) and horizontal pulling (such as rows). The exact number of each per workout really depends on whether you’re on a full body routine, upper/lower split, or push/pull/legs.
THICKNESS – adding thickness to your back comes from your rows. You cannot row enough! Rows are one of the best exercises you should be doing multiple times a week for building your back and maintaining healthy shoulders. There are tons of Row variations out there so make sure you are switching it up from time to time. My favorite row
…t-bar rows. Let me know which is your favorite!
WIDTH – developing width comes from your vertical pulls: pull-ups and pulldowns. This past year I have been hammering away at my pull-ups. I’ll be honest, I wasn’t the best at pull-ups at the beginning of the year. I made a strong effort to get better. Anytime I saw a pull-up bar, I’d knock some out. Now I’m doing sets of 5 with a 45-pound weight attached to me!