🍑Bands Workout for Your Whole Body

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🍑Bands Workout for Your Whole Body

🔥 Band Booty Booty Workout Set your booty on FIRE with this home band booty workout. The perfect pre weekend booty lift that’ll have you feeling extra confident in your favourite pair of jeans, fitted dress or cute bikini!! Comment below if you’re saving this combo & please do rag your besties!!! Complete 3-5 rounds for the perfect burn!!!

Band Booty Booty Workout
Band Booty Booty Workout

1️⃣ Donkey kick pulses x 15 each side – for DR & pregnancy friendly option choose a standing reverse kick back.
2️⃣ Lying frogs x 15 – for DR & pregnancy friendly option choose seated knee openers.
3️⃣ Single leg dead lift x 15 each side – DR & pregnancy friendly.
4️⃣ Squats with pulse x 15 – DR & pregnancy friendly.
5️⃣ Reverse lunges with high knee x 15 each side – for DR & pregnancy friendly option remove the high knee.



🔥 KILLER ABS & My favourite cardio based exercises to kick start my metabolism for the week!! Comment below if you’re working on your abs this week & tag your besties who love a good sweat sesh!!! 🔥Complete 3-5 rounds with about a 30-60 second break between rounds to keep your heart rate up.

KILLER ABS & My favourite cardio
KILLER ABS & My favourite cardio


1️⃣ Arm + leg extensions x 15 each side – NOT DR or pregnancy friendly.
2️⃣ Bug legs x 30 alternating sides – NOT DR or pregnancy friendly.
3️⃣ Side dips x 15 each side – for DR & pregnancy friendly option lower top leg to ground for extra support.
4️⃣ Mountain climber variation x 15 each side – NOT DR or pregnancy friendly.
5️⃣ Squat hold cross overs x 30 alternating side – DR friendly, NOT pregnancy friendly.
6️⃣ Burpee variation x 15 – DR friendly, NOT pregnancy friendly.

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