Before and After Losing Weight | Real Story Real People

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Before and After Losing Weight

Hello everyone, my name is Ray, and immediately to the spoilers: I losing weight 18 Lb.

Before and after losing weight
Real Story – Before and after losing weight


Is the truth impressive? To be honest, I myself still can not believe it, but a year of hard work in the gym and a simple diet have brought results.

My Losing Weight Story

I have not been skinny since childhood, but I was quite active in life till the age of 17 (I was engaged in folk dances, I liked skiing in winter, on a bicycle in summer).

It helped me to keep the weight in place, I did not lose weight, but I did not get fat. Unfortunately, at 17 I stopped dancing, and the extra pounds did not keep me waiting.

I began to losing weight spontaneously: just woke up one summer morning and realized – it’s time to lose weight. I felt like I was in someone else’s body, it was hard for me, and I wanted to get rid of excess weight quickly. Before that, there were several attempts, but all of them ended in failure.

My Diet

This time I chose a completely uncomplicated diet – carbohydrate. It’s very simple, we have to limit the intake of carbohydrates to a maximum, so that the body produces energy from the fat stores.

You open the table where all the main products and carbohydrate content are prescribed, make yourself a menu for a day so that the amount of carbohydrates consumed does not exceed 40 per day. Of course, about chocolate and other sweets, flour was immediately forgotten.

Naturally, all this would be prolonged for a long time, if I did not accompany the whole process of losing weight in the gym.

Strangely enough, at first, there were no problems: for the first 2 weeks I threw off 2-3 kg, I had euphoria. But, as it turned out, I was happy in vain, and after confident results for the first 2 weeks, the weight stopped.

Ahead were the heaviest 3 weeks – it was difficult not physically, but morally. I went to the gym, I was eating properly, but there was no result, the weight was still there. I think that in this period people often break out of the diet.


But I stood firm and patiently waited for the weight to move from the dead end. After these three weeks, everything went very well.

Gym workouts

In the gym I did not hire a coach, I just tried to do more cardio exercises. After the painful hours of searching the internet for the gym program, I still made it for myself.

Naturally, since I did not understand this at all, I showed it to the coach, and he made small adjustments: it was the only specialist’s part in my weight loss process. I made up a full-body program (training for all kinds of muscles for one trip to the hall), did exercises in circles with small interruptions. Also ran a lot.

I steadily began to lose 1-1.5 kg per month. The heaviest “minus 5 kg” was already at the end of losing weight, when the weight fell below 90. It became very difficult to lose weight, the weight did not go away. I had to increase physical activity – and it worked. If to sum up, for exactly 12 weeks I lost 18 lb.

Now I have a little weight jumping: in summer 80-82, in winter 85-87, depending on what I eat.

Watch another incredible weight loss story

At this stage, the main task is to normalize the metabolism and completely rebuild the body. Unfortunately, I noticed that if you start eating carbohydrate foods, the weight is typed quickly. It is necessary to change the diet gradually, add carbohydrates to the diet a little, this can be delayed, but the result is worth it.


If you want to lose weight, then just do not look for excuses, do it, and most importantly, remember: if the weight stands still, do not get upset and break down, just keep working hard – and you will achieve your goals. Good luck to all!

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